I could group by Qty but not woitempart. Tried to use where clause but in vain. Need a result set by woitempart (Column). Example: Where woitempart = xxxx
part.num AS woitempart, (woitem.qtytarget/wo.qtytarget) AS woitemqty,
(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',') FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = moitem.id WHERE moitem.moid = mo.id) AS wonums
FROM mo INNER JOIN moitem ON mo.id = moitem.moid
LEFT JOIN woitem ON wo.id = woitem.woid AND woitem.typeid = 10
LEFT JOIN (Select sum(woitem.qtytarget) as labor, woitem.woid, uom.code as uom
from woitem
JOIN part on woitem.partid = part.id and part.typeid = 21
JOIN uom on woitem.uomid = uom.id
group by 2,3) as labor on wo.id = labor.woid
LEFT JOIN part ON woitem.partid = part.id
Where woitem.qtytarget < 1200 order by woitempart ASC
I have removed Alias and used only part.num and its working now. Btw, I have duplicate part numbers and quantities are different. If I want to remove duplicates and add all the quantities of specific part numbers,
part.num , (woitem.qtytarget/wo.qtytarget) AS woitemqty,
(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',') FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = moitem.id WHERE moitem.moid = mo.id) AS wonums
INNER JOIN moitem ON mo.id = moitem.moid
LEFT JOIN wo ON moitem.id = wo.moitemid
LEFT JOIN woitem ON wo.id = woitem.woid AND woitem.typeid = 10
LEFT JOIN (Select sum(woitem.qtytarget) as labor, woitem.woid, uom.code as uom
from woitem
JOIN part on woitem.partid = part.id and part.typeid = 21
JOIN uom on woitem.uomid = uom.id
group by 2,3) as labor on wo.id = labor.woid
LEFT JOIN part ON woitem.partid = part.id
Where part.num = 'W00015'
With this query I can get all partnumbers W00015 and its quantities. I want to sum up all the quantities for W00015.