In a t-sql 2012 database, I am suppose to count the number of times each 'canned' message is used for
Elementary students in the last school year and the current school year.
The following is the sql that I currently am using:
Declare @Delimiter char(2) = '. ';
;With GetTheComments(Comments) As
(SELECT GS.Comments
FROM dbo.Enrol Enrol
JOIN dbo.Student Student
ON Student.StudentID = Enrol.StudentID
ON GS.StudentID = Student.Studentid
AND (GS.Comments <> '')
where Enrol.grade in ('KG','01','02','03','04','05','06')
and Enrol.endYear between 2016 and 2017)
Pieces (Comments, start, stop) AS (
SELECT Comments, CAST(1 AS bigint) As start, CAST(CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, Comments) AS bigint) As stop
From GetTheComments
SELECT Comments, CAST(stop + Len(@Delimiter) As bigint) As start, CAST(CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, Comments, stop + Len(@Delimiter)) AS bigint) As stop
FROM Pieces
WHERE stop > 0),
EachComment(Comments) As
(SELECT LTrim(SUBSTRING(Comments, start, CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE LEN(Comments) END)) AS Comments
FROM Pieces)
Select Comments, Count(*) As Counts
From EachComment
where Comments <> ''
Group By Comments
Order By Counts Desc, Comments Asc;
An example of multiple messages in the one GS.Comments field would look like the following:
This student is good at math. This student turns in their assignments on time. This student seems to enjoy school.
An example of when one messages is in the one GS.Comments field would look like the following:
This student seems to enjoy school
The problem is the GS.Comments field is defined as varchar(1200). There can be one message in the field and/or there can be lots of messages in this field. Each message ends with a period and there is a space between each message that have
more than 1 message in the varchar(1200) field. When there is only 1 message, there is no period afer the message.
The problem is there can be results that look like the following
message count
This student seems to enjoy school. 150
This student seems to enjoy school 25
Basically there is a count for a message with a period and there is a couunt for when there is not a period for the same message.
Thus can you show me what I can do with the sql listed above so the messages are treated as being the same. Basically I want 1 message with 1 count for what I listed above.