Selecting in using multiple conditions

I have a table 1 "Grading" with columns [GID,gName], table 2 "Gradeentitlements" with columns [GID,entType], table 3 "entitlementTypes" with columns[entType,eName,taxable,default,accno,grouping] and finally table 4 "employeebenefits" with columns [personnalno,entType,amount]

employees in the same grade is entitle to the entitlements but is not neccessarily given to every individual in that grade.

I want to select personalno,taxable,default,amount and if the employee is entitle based on grade but has null value to return zero in the 'amount' column.

this is my sql statement select,eb.amount,e.[default] from EntitlementTypes e inner join EmpBenefits eb on e.entType=eb.entType right outer join GradeEntitlements g on g.entType=eb.entType where EmpNo='0011' and g.GID='002' union select,eb.Amount,e.[default] from EntitlementTypes e,EmpBenefits eb right outer join GradeEntitlements g on g.entType=eb.entType where EmpNo='0011' and g.GID='002' and g.entType not in(select entType from GradeEntitlements where entType='001') but it doesn't display all the gradeentitlements with null values

have tried this other one select,eb.amount,e.[default] from EntitlementTypes e inner join EmpBenefits eb on e.entType=eb.entType right outer join GradeEntitlements g on g.entType=eb.entType where EmpNo='0011' and g.GID='002'

but it displays the value of amount to equal even those with null

Please provide description of table (create statements), sample data and expected output (from your provided sample data).