Import xml file from web page in SQL

I want to import xml file directly from web page into microsoft sql table.
At the moment the import is done after the XML file is downloaded local.
I want to skip this step to manualy download the file.
It can be done in SQL?
when i change the path i get this error: Cannot bulk load because the file "" could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.)

SQL Server does not come with any out-of-the box ability to consume web site data. Here is one approach:
Calling a web service from within SQL Server that uses a CLR module to do it

You have more option:

  • powerShell
  • SSIS - good option
  • CRL

With t-sql you can use the following script: Testat!

 DECLARE    @url VARCHAR(300),
    @win INT,
    @hr INT,
    @Text VARCHAR(4000),
    @xml xml

SET    @url = ''

EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1', @win OUT
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @win, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @url, 'false'
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @win, 'Send'
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @win, 'ResponseText', @Text OUT
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win

EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @win 
IF @hr <> 0 EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @win 

set @xml=CAST(@Text AS XML)
select @xml
select t.c.value('@currency[1]','varchar(15)') as Moneda,
      t.c.value('.','varchar(15)') as Curs,
      t.c.value('../@date[1]','datetime') as DataCurs
from @xml.nodes('/ns:DataSet/ns:Body/ns:Cube/ns:Rate') as t(c)
where  t.c.value('@currency[1]','varchar(15)') in ('CHF','EUR','GBP','USD')

The output will look like this:
Moneda Curs DataCurs
CHF 4.2773 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000
EUR 4.4696 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000
GBP 6.1987 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000
USD 4.0002 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000

i get this result:
Error Source Description HelpFile HelpID
0x80072EFD WinHttp.WinHttpRequest A connection with the server could not be established NULL 0

Error Source Description HelpID HelpFile
0x8000000A WinHttp.WinHttpRequest The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available. 0 NULL

thank you

You need to change some configuration. Ole Automation Procedures.
If this is allow, then next script it is doing just that.

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1;