How to check isnull or empty in nvarchar column


How to check for isnull or empty? I'm trying to check as below but its not returning expected results.

AND (CS.StudentName like '%'+ISNULL(@StudentName,CS.StudentName)+'%')
AND (Cl.Street like '%'+ISNULL(@StreetAddress,Cl.Street)+'%')

The above statements are ignoring the rows if the column has explicit NULL value.

Thanks in advance.

where (CS.StudentName is null or CS.StudentName = '' )

Thanks for your reply Muj9.

But I need to search basing on the input param if user passes either @StreetAddress or @Studentname or both.

If you are trying to check for strict equality, do the following:

		CS.StudentName = @StudentName 
		OR NULLIF(@StudentName,'') IS NULL
		Cl.Street = @StreetAddress 
		OR NULLIF(@StreetAddress,'') IS NULL

If you are trying to do a LIKE condition, then this:

		CS.StudentName LIKE '%'+@StudentName+'%'
		OR NULLIF(@StudentName,'') IS NULL
		Cl.Street LIKE '%'+@StreetAddress+'%'
		OR NULLIF(@StreetAddress,'') IS NULL

I have to caution you though, that this type of "catch-all" queries tend to perform poorly. Take a look at this blog.

AND (@StudentName IS NULL OR CS.StudentName like '%'+@StudentName+'%')	
AND (@StreetAddress IS NULL OR Cl.Street like '%'+@StreetAddress+'%')