How Can I automate query result and send email in excel sheet which will be running every monday with out using ssis and ssrs?

DECLARE @Delimiter Char(1)

SET @Delimiter = CHAR(9)

EXEC MSDB.dbo.sp_Send_DBMail
@Subject='Some Audit',
@Body='Attached is some audit information.',
' ,
@Attach_Query_Result_As_File = 1,
@Query_Result_Header = 1,
@Query_Attachment_Filename = 'sample.csv',
@Query_Result_Separator = @Delimiter

This is small query result I tried to send meail in excel sheet but file is corrupted and data is not in good format.??

Can anyone help me out .

As far as the scheduling goes, you could put your code in a SQL Agent Job and set it to run weekly on Monday. How to put the query into Excel is a different story. How you considered using an Excel driver and "insert"ing the data? You could find the driver with a Google search.

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First - you cannot send an actual Excel file using sp_send_dbmail. What you can send is a CSV or tab-delimited text file that Excel can open. The CSV file is the better option...and your problem is that you cannot open the file directly from email - you have to save the file and then open it.

To fix that issue - you have to tell Excel this is a CSV file to be opened and you do that by defining the separator in the first column of data. Here is an example:

Declare @sqlCommand nvarchar(max)
      , @recipients varchar(max) = ''
      , @cc_recipients varchar(max) = ''
      , @bcc_recipients varchar(max) = '';

Declare @body nvarchar(max) = 'Attached is some audit information';

    Set @sqlCommand = '
    Set Nocount On;
 Select c.FirstColumn As [Sep=,' + char(13) + char(10) + 'FirstColumnName]
      , {list out all columns to be included}
   From dbo.Customer c
  Where c.master_customer_id = ''000210232'';'

Execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
        @profile_name = '{Your Database Mail Profile'
      , @reply_to = '{}'
      , @from_address = '{}'
      , @recipients = @recipients
      , @copy_recipients = @cc_recipients
      , @blind_copy_recipients = @bcc_recipients
      , @subject = 'Some Audit'
      , @body = @body
      , @query = @sqlCommand
      , @query_result_separator = ','
      , @query_result_header = 1
      , @query_result_width = 8000
      , @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
      , @execute_query_database = 'PTEST'
      , @query_attachment_filename = 'SomeAudit.csv';

This should give you a good start...



Hello, thanks for ansewr.However some of the non-english charecters do not shown correctly how can I solve that ?

Where? In the csv or in the email. Please provide sample data of this data that is not showing

In the csv,in excel char like' ç,ş' vs are non english and that cause problem.

For instance I wanna write Giriş but in excel its not possible.
By the way I create excel(csv) by query and send it with database mail.

open the file in notepad++ and what do you see for those column names? It really does not have anything to do with SQL server email automation. That is an excel issue

Yes dude, when I send it as a html file there is no problem

çox yaxşı

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