Export Custom CSV + SFTP Integration

Hello there,

I've a database in Microsoft SQL 2008r2, so what I need to do, I want to create an API or anything to extract 1 csv with custom table in CSV format and upload it to SFTP server every 4 hours, so what I need is to create integration between my database with the custom CSV table format with another platform using the SFTP connection.

Kindly help and instruct me on doing it.

You can schedule a PowerShell job step in the SQL Server Agent. You will have to play with the details yourself but in outline:

. C:\Batch\Scripts\PutFileSFTP.ps1

$SQLparams = @{
  'ServerInstance' = '.';
  'Database' = 'YourDB';
  'ErrorAction' = 'Stop';
  'Query' = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.YourTable' }

$Exportparams = @{
  'Path' = 'C:\Feeds\YourFile.csv' }

Invoke-Sqlcmd @SQLparams |
	Export-CSV @Exportparams -NoTypeInformation

$params = @{
	'LocalFile' = 'C:\Feeds\YourFile.csv';
	'RemotePath' = '/';
	'SFTPHost' = 'sftp01.somewhere.com';
	'UserName' = 'usersftp';
	'KeyFile' = 'C:\Batch\Scripts\SomeWhere.key'; #blank if no keyfile
	'CredPrefix' = 'C:\Batch\Scripts\credSomeWhere' } #blank if no password file

PutFileSFTP @params

The Credential file can be generated with something like the following in a temporary PowerShell agent job. (This will generate the file for the SQL Server Agent Account.)

if (-not (test-path $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:UserName.txt ))
    "password" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $LocalFilePath\cred_$env:Username.txt

The contents of PutFileSFTP.ps1 will be something like:

Uploads a file to a sftp site

PutFileSFTP -LocalFile <path> -RemotePath <path> -SFTPHost <URL> -UserName <string> -KeyFile <path> -CredPrefix <path>

. C:\Batch\Scripts\PutFileSFTP.ps1

$params = @{
	'LocalFile' = 'C:\Batch\Outgoing\Outgoing.csv';
	'RemotePath' = '/';
	'SFTPHost' = 'sftp01.somewhere.com';
	'UserName' = 'usersftp';
	'KeyFile' = 'C:\Batch\Scripts\SomeWhere.key'; #blank if no keyfile
	'CredPrefix' = 'C:\Batch\Scripts\credSomeWhere' } #blank if no password file

PutFileSFTP @params

Function PutFileSFTP
    Param($LocalFile, $RemotePath, $SFTPHost, $UserName, $KeyFile, $CredPrefix)
		$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
		If ($CredPrefix -eq '')
			$Password = new-object System.Security.SecureString
			$Content = "{0}_{1}.txt" -f $CredPrefix,$env:UserName
			$Password = get-content $Content -ErrorAction Stop| ConvertTo-SecureString	
		$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($UserName, $Password) 

		Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) Upload $LocalFile to $SFTPHost$RemotePath."
		Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) Connecting to $SFTPHost..."
			If ($KeyFile -eq '')
				$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $SFTPHost -Credential $Credential -AcceptKey
				$session = New-SFTPSession -ComputerName $SFTPHost -Credential $Credential -KeyFile $KeyFile -AcceptKey

			Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) Uploading file..."
			Set-SFTPFile -SFTPSession $session -RemotePath $RemotePath -LocalFile $LocalFile -OverWrite
			Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) Upload complete."
			if ($session = Get-SFTPSession -SessionId $session.SessionId)
				Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) Disconnecting session..."
			$null = Remove-SftpSession -SftpSession $session
		$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
		$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
		$emailFrom = "You@you.com"
		$emailTo = "You@you.com"
		$subject = "$SFTPHost Upload Problem"
		$body = "$ErrorMessage"
		$smtpServer = "mail.you.com"
		$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
		$smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailTo, $subject, $body)

        Write-Output "$((Get-Date -Format s)) $ErrorMessage"
		Throw $ErrorMessage

Good luck!

ps You will also have to install the Posh-SSH module on the server.

Install-Module -Name Posh-SSH