I have a question about SQL Server. I have 3 tables :
Target table and source table have 35 columns and all are varchar datatype. I want Implement incremental concept (scd) type 2 in SQL Server using a MERGE statement.
Source table has data : 3 and half core records
Few off condition to implement scdtype 2 concept
I need fetch sourcetable1 table which are records not available sourcetable2 that records only
col4, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11 columns frequently change data we need to maintain history and latest
I have done these steps:
Handled null/empty values for all columns
I Created nonclustered index for col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11 Reason for nonclustered index to fetch records fastly
Apply merge statment to implement scdtype2 concept.
Query looks like this
INSERT INTO Test.[dbo].[targettable]
merge Test.[dbo].[targettable] target
select * from
(select [col1],[col2],[col3],[col4],col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,
ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by col1 order by col5 desc,col6 desc)as rn
from Test1.[dbo].[sourcetable] a
where col2 !='820' and isnull(col3,'') !='')a
where a.rn=1 and not exists
(select 1 from Test1.[dbo].[sourcetable2] b where a.col1=b.pcol1)
) stag
on target.[col1]=stag.[col1]
when not matched then
insert ([col1],[col2],[col3],[col4],col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,
( CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.[col1])),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.[col1])) END
,CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col2)),'') = '' THEN '1800-01-01' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col2)) END
, CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col3)),'') = '' THEN '1800-01-01' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col3)) END
, CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col4)),'')= '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col4)) END
------similary way I done upto 35 columns to hanndel empty and null value for all columns----------------------------------------- , CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col35)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col35)) END ,'1',getdate(),'1800-01-01' )
when matched and target.flag=1 and
(CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col4)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col4)) END
<>CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col4)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col4)) END
or CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col7)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col7)) END
<>CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col7)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col7)) END
orCASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col8)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col8)) END
<>CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col8)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col8)) END
or CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col9)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col9)) END
<>CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col9)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col9)) END
or CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col10)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col10)) END
<>CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col10)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col10)) END
or CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(target.col11)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(target.col11)) END
<> CASE WHEN coalesce(ltrim(rtrim(stag.col11)),'') = '' THEN 'NA' ELSE ltrim(rtrim(stag.col11)) END
then update set target.flag='0',target.[RecordExpiredDate]=getdate()
stag.col30,stag.col31,stag.col32,stag.col33,stag.col34,stag.col35,'1' as flag,getdate() as RecordValidFromDate,'1800-01-01' as [RecordExpiredDate]
When I ran above query For first time it is executed with in 3 minutes. After that I ran it the 2nd time it takes more than 2 hours, and some time its 1 hour 50 minutes.
Could you please tell me where I need to change query or what step I need to implement in the above query to give best performance and reduce execution time in sql server.