I am trying to get aggregate values from each table for each mix no.
Query as follows:
SELECT RawMaterialPreparation.Uniid, RawMaterialPreparation.MixNo, RawMaterialPreparation.MixQty, SUM(VacuumMixing.MixQty) AS VacuumQty,
SUM(MaterialFilling.FilledQty) AS FilledQty
VacuumMixing ON MaterialFilling.VacuumMixId = VacuumMixing.Uniid RIGHT OUTER JOIN
RawMaterialPreparation ON VacuumMixing.MixId = RawMaterialPreparation.Uniid
GROUP BY RawMaterialPreparation.Uniid, RawMaterialPreparation.MixNo, RawMaterialPreparation.MixQty
ORDER BY RawMaterialPreparation.Uniid DESC
Note: Each mix no can have more than one transaction in vacuum mixing table and each vacuum mix each have more than one transaction in material filling table.
Please provide sample data and expected output (from your sample data).
Sample data:
Raw Material Preparation
ID - Mix No - Qty
26822 - 14757 - 600.00
Vacuum Mixing
ID - Vacuum No - Mix ID - Mix Qty
39036 - 2015070305 - 26822 - 400
39044 - 2015070313 - 26822 - 200
Material Filling
ID - Filling No - Vacuum ID - Vacuum Qty
84952 - 2015071007 - 39036 - 45.00
84953 - 2015071008 - 39036 - 30.00
84977 - 2015071032 - 39044 - 20.00
Expected output
Mix No - Mix Qty - Vacuum Qty - Filled Qty
14757 - 600 - 600 - 95
Try this:
select a.[Mix No]
,sum(b.[Mix Qty]) as [Mix Qty]
,sum(b.[Vacuum Qty]) as [Vacuum Qty]
from [Raw Material Preparation] as a
left outer join (select b.[Mix ID]
,b.[Mix Qty]
,sum(c.[Vacuum Qty]) as [Vacuum Qty]
from [Vacuum Mixing] as b
left outer join [Material Filling] as c
on c.[Vacuum ID]=b.ID
group by [Mix ID]
,[Mix Qty]
) as b
on b.[Mix ID]=a.ID
group by a.[Mix No]