Why these two statment not give same columns although no different?

I work on SQL server 2012 i face issue @Header and and @Columns not give me same columns and same

number of column although i get data from table extractreports.dbo.ctegroupfeatur

so why this happen and how to solve that ?
I expect @Header and @columns give me same result

but it different
as you see script result header and columns different why

declare @Columns nvarchar(max)=( select
             Select  ',['+FeatureName +']' AS [text()]
              FROM extractreports.dbo.ctegroupfeatur --with(nolock) 
           GROUP BY FeatureName,displayorder
           ORDER BY  (CASE WHEN displayorder IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) asc,displayorder,FeatureName asc
             For XML PATH ('')
         ,TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 2, 10000) [Columns])
         select @Columns
 DECLARE @Header nvarchar(max)=( select
             Select  ', '''+FeatureName +''' as ['+FeatureName +']' AS [text()]
              FROM extractreports.dbo.ctegroupfeatur --with(nolock) 
           GROUP BY FeatureName,displayorder
           ORDER BY  (CASE WHEN displayorder IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) asc,displayorder,FeatureName asc
             For XML PATH ('')
         ,TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 2, 10000) [Columns])
         select @Header

Script for table ddl and insert as below
file insert and ddl

Why don't you post the DDL and DML here?