Hi again Robert, well i gotta mention the script was created over 10 years ago, and i usually don't develop for PowerShell or SQL, the function is:
function global:Script-DBObjectsIntoFoldersAIndexes([string]$server, [string]$dbname, [string]$user, [string]$pass, [string]$Path, [string]$bcp_path, [boolean]$Giro, [string]$prefijoEmp, [System.Data.DataTable]$TblO, [System.Data.DataTable]$TblIndx){
$SPs = @()
$TBLs = @()
$USRs = @()
$TBLs2 = @()
$SMOserver = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') -argumentlist $server
#This sets the connection to mixed-mode authentication
#This sets the login name
#This sets the password
$db = $SMOserver.databases[$dbname.trim()]
$DateFolder = get-date -format yyyyMMdd
$NewFolder = $($prefijoEmp)+$($dbname.trim())+"_"+$($DateFolder.trim())+"_"+$($letra) #ALGA 04/05/16 Se agrego la letra que identifica si es Operativo(O) o Estadístico(E)
$SavePath = $Path + $NewFolder
$SPs += $db.StoredProcedures | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
#Cargar en el arreglo solo las tablas operativas o estadísticas ALGA 05/05/16
#RJSV 16/08/2017 -- Se separan las tablas por bases de datos que son de giro porque el objeto $db solo puede obtener tablas de dbo
Foreach ($tbs in $tblO.Rows){
#$TBLs += $db.Tables[$tbs[0]] | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
$table = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tbs[0], 'Supervisor_giro')
$TBLs += $table
Foreach ($tbs in $tblO.Rows){
$TBLs += $db.Tables[$tbs[0]] | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
#Carga todas las tablas para crear todos los ínidices en la carpeta de O
Foreach ($tbs in $TblIndx.Rows){
#$TBLs += $db.Tables[$tbs[0]] | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
$table = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Table($db, $tbs[0], 'Supervisor_giro')
$TBLs2 += $table
Foreach ($tbs in $TblIndx.Rows){
$TBLs2 += $db.Tables[$tbs[0]] | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
$USRs += $db.Users | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}
if(Test-Path "$SavePath"){
Write-Host "Verify directory $SavePath" | Out-File -Filepath "$($SavePath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force
new-item -type directory -name "$NewFolder"-path "$Path"
if(Test-Path "$($SavePath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt"){
$Msg = "Inicia respaldo"
Write-Host (Get-Date).ToString() " $($Msg)"
Out-File -Filepath "$($SavePath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
new-item -type file -name "$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -path "$($SavePath.trim())"
$Msg = "Inicia respaldo"
Write-Host (Get-Date).ToString() " $($Msg)"
Out-File -Filepath "$($SavePath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$finalPath = "$($SavePath.trim())"
#Declaramos las opciones generales para hacer el script
write-host "configure script options"
$CreationScriptOptions = new-object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions")
$CreationScriptOptions.AppendToFile = $True
$CreationScriptOptions.AllowSystemObjects = $false
$CreationScriptOptions.ToFileOnly = $true
$CreationScriptOptions.IncludeIfNotExists = $true
$CreationScriptOptions.IncludeDatabaseRoleMemberships = $True
$CreationScriptOptions.IncludeDatabaseContext = $True
#En esta parte se ah decidido crear por separado los SP, TRIGGERS, INDICES, TABLAS y BD.
<# Se crea el script para las tablas , usuarios, roles etc. SOLO PARA RESPALDOS OPERATIVOS#>
If ($contador -eq 0){ #INICIO DEL IF 1 --Solo se hará para los respaldos operativos
$Tcount = 0
#$query= 'USE AdmonRespaldos select DB_TablaNombre from DB_tablas where DB_TablaOrigen=''' + $BDNOMBRE + ''' order by DB_TablaId'
$Msg = "Scripting..."
write-host "Scripting..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$scriptTransfer = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Transfer') $db
$scriptTransfer.options.Permissions = $true
$scriptTransfer.options.FileName = "$finalPath\DBobjectsScript.SQL"
$scriptTransfer.CopyAllDatabaseTriggers =$False
$scriptTransfer.CopyAllObjects =$False
#RJSV 16/08/2017 -- Se separan del respaldo de DBobjects principal
$scriptTransfer.CopyAllUserDefinedFunctions=$true #ALGA 05/05/16 Se agregó para copiar las funciones de la BD
#RJSV 16/08/2017 -- Se agregan opciones para copiar tipos de datos y tipos de tablas definidas por usuarios
#RJSV 25/08/2017 -- Solucion tmp indices de giro no se pueden generar en Index.SQL ni los triggers
$scriptTransfer.options.Indexes = $True
$scriptTransfer.options.DriAll = $True
$scriptTransfer.Options.Triggers= $True
$scriptTransfer.DestinationDatabase = ' '
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\DBobjectsScript.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create DB.Objects script"
write-host "Done create DB.Objects script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_ .Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script creat DB. $_ .Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\DBobjectsScript.SQL"))
#RJSV 28/08/2017 - Se separan los permisos de los usuarios por base de datos
$Tcount = 0
$Msg = "Scripting Permissions..."
write-host "Scripting Permissions..."
Exportar-Permisos -SqlInstance $server -uDecrypt $user -pDecrypt $pass -FilePath "$finalPath\DBpermissionsScript.SQL" -Database $dbname -Giro $True
Exportar-Permisos -SqlInstance $server -uDecrypt $user -pDecrypt $pass -FilePath "$finalPath\DBpermissionsScript.SQL" -Database $dbname
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\DBpermissionsScript.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create DBpermissionsScript script"
write-host "Done create DBpermissionsScript script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_ .Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script creat DB. $_ .Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\DBpermissionsScript.SQL"))
$Tcount = 0
Do {
$scriptrDBdrop = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$scriptrDBdrop.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$scriptrDBdrop.Options.Permissions = $true
$scriptrDBdrop.Options.ScriptDrops = $True
$scriptrDBdrop.Options.FileName = "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_drop.SQL"
$Msg = "Scripting..."
write-host "Scripting..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
<#Crea script para eliminar la base de datos anterior#>
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_drop.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done drop DB script"
write-host "Done drop DB script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script drop DB $_ . Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script drop DB $_ . Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script drop DB $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script drop DB $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_drop.SQL"))
<# Se crea el script Crear base de datos (no se utiliza realmente) SOLO RESPALDOS OPERATIVOS #>
$Tcount = 0
$scriptrDB = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$scriptrDB.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$scriptrDB.Options.Permissions = $true
$scriptrDB.Options.ScriptDrops = $False
$scriptrDB.Options.DdlBodyOnly = $False
$scriptrDB.Options.FileName = "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_perm.SQL"
$Msg = "Scripting..."
write-host "Scripting..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_perm.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create DB script"
write-host "Done create DB script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_ . Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script creat DB. $_ . Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script creat DB. $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
}While($contador -eq 1)
#While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\$($dbname.trim())_perm.SQL"))
<# Se crea el script para los SP SOLO RESPALDOS OPERATIVOS#>
$Tcount = 0
$Msg = "Scripting..."
write-host "Scripting..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$scriptrDBSP = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$scriptrDBSP.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$scriptrDBSP.Options.Permissions = $True
$scriptrDBSP.options.FileName = "$finalPath\DB_SP.SQL"
if(($SPs.Length -ne 0) -and ($SPs -ne '')){
foreach($SP in $SPs | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}){
$scriptrDBSP.Script($SP) | Out-null
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\DB_SP.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create SP's script"
write-host "Done create SP's script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "There are no Stored Procedures to generate the script."
Write-Host "There are no Stored Procedures to generate the script." -Fore Green
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script SP. $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script SP. $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\DB_SP.SQL"))
}#FIN del IF 1
<# Se generan los .txt del BCP con la informacion de las tablas SE GENERAN POR TABLA #>
$Msg = (Get-Date).ToString()+ " Starting bcp backup"
write-host "Starting bcp backup"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
Foreach ($tb in $tblO.Rows){
if($Giro -eq $true){
$arguments = "$($db.Name).Supervisor_Giro.$($tb[0])",
$arguments = "$($db.Name).dbo.$($tb[0])",
& $bcp_path $arguments | Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force
$Msg = "Finish $($tb[0])"
write-host "Finish $($tb[0])"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = (Get-Date).ToString() +"Finish bcp backup"
write-host "Finish bcp backup"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "Error during the bcp backup process $_"
Write-Error "Error during the bcp backup process $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
<# Se crea el script para los indices SE GENERAN POR TABLA#>
If(-Not ($Giro)){
$Tcount = 0
$Msg = "Scripting Indexes..."
write-host "Scripting Indexes..."
write-host "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
foreach ($table in $TBLs2 | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)} ){
foreach ($Index in $table.Indexes | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}){
$ScriptIndex = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$ScriptIndex.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$ScriptIndex.Options.DriAll = $True
$ScriptIndex.Options.Indexes = $True
$ScriptIndex.Options.FileName = "$finalPath\$TypeFolder.SQL"
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\$TypeFolder.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create indexes script"
write-host "Done create indexes script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB $_ .Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script creat DB $_ .Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script creat DB $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\$TypeFolder.SQL"))
$Tcount = 0
<#Indexes solo Operativos en IndexParaVerificar.sql #>
$Msg = "Scripting Indexes..."
write-host "Scripting Indexes..."
write-host "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
foreach ($table in $TBLs | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)} ){
foreach ($Index in $table.Indexes | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}){
$ScriptIndex = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$ScriptIndex.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$ScriptIndex.Options.DriAll = $True
$ScriptIndex.Options.Indexes = $True
$Bien = $Index.GetType().Name
$TypeFolder= "$($Bien)_ParaVerificarPKs"
Write-Host "$TypeFolder"
$ScriptIndex.Options.FileName = "$finalPath\$TypeFolder.SQL"
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\$TypeFolder.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create indexes script"
write-host "Done create indexes script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB $_ .Trying again..."
write-host "error while creating script creat DB $_ .Trying again..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
}Catch [system.exception]{
$Msg = "error while creating script creat DB $_"
Write-Error "error while creating script creat DB $_"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
While($contador -eq 1)
<# Se crea el script para los triggers SE GENERAN POR TABLA #>
$Tcount = 0
$Msg = "Scripting..."
write-host "Scripting..."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$scriptTable = new-object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter') ($SMOserver)
$scriptTable.Options = $CreationScriptOptions
$scriptTable.options.Permissions = $True
$scriptTable.Options.Triggers= $True
$scriptTable.Options.IncludeDatabaseContext = $True
$scriptTable.Options.FileName = "$finalPath\DB_Triggers.SQL"
If (($TBLs2.Length -ne 0) -and ($TBLs2 -ne '')){
foreach($TBL in $TBLs2 | where {!($_.IsSystemObject)}){#Aquí truena con DWH
foreach($Triggers in $TBL.Triggers){
if(Test-Path "$finalPath\DB_Triggers.SQL"){
$Msg = "Done create DB Triggers script"
write-host "Done create DB Triggers script"
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
$Msg = "There are no Triggers to generate the script."
write-host "There are no Triggers to generate the script."
Out-File -Filepath "$($finalPath.trim())\$($dbname.trim())_Log.txt" -Append -Force -InputObject $Msg
if($Tcount -eq 2){break}
$Tcount = $Tcount + 1
While(-Not (Test-Path "$finalPath\DB_Triggers.SQL"))
} #This completes the function
So, I think the loop works because it brings the backup for all the tables with no exception, and well, the functions is called in:
$queryFull= 'USE AdmonRespaldos select DB_TablaNombre from DB_tablas where DB_TablaOrigen=''' + $BDNOMBRE + ''' order by DB_TablaId'
#Llama a las tablas por su tipo
$queryEsp= 'USE AdmonRespaldos select DB_TablaNombre from DB_tablas where ' + $versionRespaldo + ' and DB_TablaOrigen=''' + $BDNOMBRE + ''' order by DB_TablaId'
$cmd2=new-object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($queryEsp,$cnn)
$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $cmd2
$tables = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$res=New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$cmd3=new-object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($queryFull,$cnn)
$SqlAdapter3 = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter3.SelectCommand = $cmd3
$tables3 = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$res3=New-Object System.Data.DataTable
#Aquí llama la función que crea todos los objetos, enviando los parámetros de la BD actual-- ALGA
If ($contador -eq 0){
Script-DBObjectsIntoFoldersAIndexes $server $BDNOMBRE $udecrypted $pdecrypted $path $bcp_path $Giro $prefijoEmp $res $res3
Script-DBObjectsIntoFolders $server $BDNOMBRE $udecrypted $pdecrypted $path $bcp_path $Giro $prefijoEmp $res
And thanks again for all! Maybe with this could be more understandable.