Which Scheduled Task is Backing Up My Database?

Hi experts. Not exactly a SQL Server question but here goes...
My database is being backed up somehow.

Not by an Agent job because this is the Express edition.
I need to find the task that is backing it up so I can find the path to the bak file.
Thanks for any tips.

Can you run this and see. This should give the backup file location and the time backup occurred and based on the time check all the windows tasks scheduled at that time.

SELECT          physical_device_name,
FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b
JOIN msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m ON b.media_set_id = m.media_set_id
WHERE database_name = 'YourDB'
ORDER BY backup_finish_date DESC

Thanks but i have the date time and location of the bak file. Cant find the scheduled task there are so many to browse thru.