Where can I learn SSIS and/or SSRS?

Sorry if this is an obvious question.

I used SQL-Server 2008 and 2012 for several years (2009-2014) (management studio only) to run ad-hoc queries, write SPs, etc. Then I left the workforce and would like to return, but nobody seems to want someone who doesn’t know SSIS / SSRS.

How can I self-teach? I don’t have thousands of $$ for Microsoft training, and I don’t have a platform on which to learn.

Does anybody know of a vendor that can supply a “play around” environment ??

Thanks in advance,

SQL Server Developer Edition
Lot's of You-tube videos
You know what the beatnik told the NY tourist asking how to get to Carnegie Hall? He said practice man.


MSSQL Developers Version (which has full functionality of Enterprise) is either Free or Pretty Cheap - that might do you.

SQL Express is free, but dunno if SSxS etc. comes with it.

Probably not going to help, in this context, but http://sqlfiddle.com allows online .... errrm ... "fiddling" :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

I have heard about Microsoft Virtual Labs environment where you can practice use sql querying using the database and tables available for a limited time. Is there really anything like that where we can use it?

I've heard of that too but don't know how it works, sorry. If you have an MSDN license (granted, this is expensive,) you can set up an Azure SQL server in minutes, and you get a $50/month credit. If you shut down the server when you are done working, it does not accumulate any charges. For safety you can set it to shut down the server if you hit the $50 mark so it remains free to you.

I have found that SQL Server Data Tools (free) and Developer Edition (free if you don't work for a company employing more than 250 people) and a whole lot of googling "SSDT SSIS Inner Join" for example brings back loads of examples.
I am not an expert but I have been building some ETL packages purely from this method as I, too, could not get on any training courses.
