When I was disabling the SQL job, it has gone missing

When I was disabling a specific SQL server 2012 job it has gone missing. Definitely I haven't deleted this job - if I would have hit the delete option accidently, then it will ask to confirm the deletion. Can this happen? We have tried to see this job from the sa login, also checked the sysjobs but still couldn't find. I don't think the audit was enabled on the SQL server too. Is there any slightest possibility for this to happen?

You have queried the sysjobs table in MSDB? If it is not there it is gone.

I would restore MSDB from backup to a different, "temporary", database, and then export the job, and its associated data (from other tables) and then import that back into the live MSDB database.

Sorry, I have no idea why it has dissappeared

Thanks Kristen. Yes, I've queried the sysjobs table in MSDB. We've restored the job back.
Mostly, we wanted to know what happened to the job. Unfortunately SQL auditing wasn't on on the server too.