Veeam SQL backup issue


From Veeam we are taking SQL Server backup. we are using ABC\abcadmin credentias to take the backup. We got a below warning.

Warning: [TDB]Unable to update SQL backupset for instance : Code = 0x80040e09 Code meaning = IDispatch error #3081 Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description = The UPDATE permission was denied on the object ‘backupset’, database ‘msdb’, schema ‘dbo’.

I opened the respective SQL Server. Checked whether the user is exist or not in the SQL Server.. In the SQL Logins i found that "ABC\Domainusers" exist. what ever the configured ABC\abcadmin is under Domain users.

i tried below commands from google.

alter login [ABC\Domainusers] enable

thrown the error : cannot use alter login with enable or disable argument for a windows group.grant or revoke the connect sql permission.

I tried adding ABC\Domainusers to sysadmin role. throwing the error cannot alter the server role 'sysadmin' because it does not exist or you do not have permission.(error :15151)

How to resolve the issue? Please help.


Try to login with sa and then add the login to sysadmin server role.

Actually sa is disabled. i tried changing the sa password and enable it but throwing the below error.

can not alter the login sa ,becuase it does not exist or you do not have permission. error 15151

Try my suggestion

You should be able to add the individual login and grant sysadmin to that login. Do not grant sysadmin to {domain}\domainadmins - as that will allow anyone in the domain admins group sysadmin rights to that system.