Using a CASE in sql select with Like from 2 different fields

I have a select sql using CASE and when I use
When LIKE '%Skinny%' THEN 'Boho Skinny' (This works, it finds the data, when used by its self)
When i.itemcode LIKE 'BBW%' THEN 'Boho Skinny' (This works, it finds the data when used by its self)
but when I use
When i.itemcode LIKE 'BBW%' and LIKE 'Boho%Skinny%' 'THEN 'Boho Skinny' it has no results. Yet the data field ( it is looking at has this data
Boho Bandeau Skinny Aqua Purple Bursts
and the data field (i.itemcode) has this data BBWS004
I close the case with
ELSE 'Other'
END AS Product_Category

I hope somebody can help!

I tried this with 2 conditions and it is working

Do they have those values for the same row? On different rows won't match, both values must be in the same row

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is not the same as