Update Microsoft SQL Server (RTM) 12.0.2000.8 to latest v14 (12.0.6449.1)

Hi all.
I want to update my SQL 2014 instance to latest v14 build. What would be the correct steps to take, in order to properly update?

  1. [SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
  2. [SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 2 (SP2)
  3. [SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 3 (SP3)
  4. 5029185 Security update for SQL Server 2014 SP3 CU4: October 10, 2023 (12.0.6449.1)

The steps above are correct? Or there some intermediate updates I should run? Would appreciate any info regarding my post. Thank you.

SQL server service packs are cumulative.
So, you can apply the most recent service pack followed by the latest CU.


I agree that you don't need to apply SP1 and SP2 as you want to apply SP3 right away.
Same for CUs: MS SQL 2019 has 30 CU's already. You can apply the latest and greatest or play safe and apply N-1, which means CU29.