Update 1 field out of 5


I have data as follows


ID Fundcode SecurityName MarketValue
1305357 261600 Deliver ARSReceive USD -666.37
1305424 261600 Deliver ARSReceive USD -1027.93
1324842 261600 Deliver ARSReceive USD 8893.12
1327421 261600 Deliver ARSReceive USD 1808.53
1332566 261600 Deliver ARSReceive USD -5247.47


What i am looking to to is sum market value based on securityname and fundcode but only populated the summed value to on of the 5 outputs above.

I was trying the following but the group by is killing it

SET m.[MarketValueofSharesSold]=f.MarketValue
FROM [dbo].[BNYUKWorkingDataloadFile2] m
SELECT [FundCode],SUM([MarketValue]) MarketValue ,ROW_NUMBER() over (Partition by [FundCode],[SecurityName] order by [FundCode],[SecurityName]) AS rowNumber
FROM [dbo].[BNYUKWorkingDataloadFile2]
GROUP BY [FundCode],[SecurityName]
) f ON m.[FundCode] = f.[FundCode] AND m.[SecurityName] = f.[SecurityName]
Where rowNumber = 1


Anyone any ideas

you can first put the (group by part into a temp table)
so that the main bottleneck processing will be done quickly

then try the update
with the temp table in join

hope it helps
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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You don't need a row number when you've GROUPed by the key columns and done a SUM of the values. Simply do this:

SET m.[MarketValueofSharesSold]=f.MarketValue
FROM [dbo].[BNYUKWorkingDataloadFile2] m
SELECT [FundCode],SUM([MarketValue]) MarketValue
FROM [dbo].[BNYUKWorkingDataloadFile2]
GROUP BY [FundCode], [MarketValue]
) f ON m.[FundCode] = f.[FundCode] AND m.[SecurityName] = f.[SecurityName]
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