Unable to Backup DB due to Active Transactions

This DB had Log shipping. I have removed log shipping. Still cannot make a Full backup due to log being full and active transactions.

Th db is in Simple recovery model.
The backup fails with error:
" The transaction log for database 'NGProd' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'.
Can I flush the active conns? dont need them
Thanks for any ideas.

Do a DBCC OPENTRAN on that db to see if you can determine which task(s) SQL is seeing as still active.

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That's what I did @ScottPletcher . i killed the one trans and the Full is running now. That alone will not reduce the size of the log file as you know but it's a prereq. This whole mess started when Log Shipping broke.

In simple mode, you should be able to shrink the log without running a full backup (unless that's needed for cleanup after cancelling replication, I don't remember about that off the top of my head).