TSQL to omit entire data group based on value of one column

Problem Statement:

I have a data set as follows :

Parent Child Country
Kim Jen A
Kim Jen B
Tom Jen B

Expected Output : Row 3

Basically query will use the filters Parent and Country and if Country 'A' exists all the rows having same parent-child combinations should be excluded in output.

Tried solutions:

I have tried the below queries:

select Parent, Child, Country
from table joins
where Parent in ('Kim','Tom') and Child in ('Jen') and Country<>'A'
O/P : 2nd and 3rd row

select Parent, Child, Country
from table joins
where Parent in ('Kim','Tom') and Child in ('Jen') and Country<>'A'
select Parent, Child, Country
from table joins
where Parent in ('Kim','Tom') and Child in ('Jen') and Country='A'
O/P: Incorrect data for larger data sets

Please help me with any other solutions that you have currently.

Test Data:

	Parent varchar(10) NOT NULL
	,Child varchar(10) NOT NULL
	,Country char(1) NOT NULL
VALUES ('Kim', 'Jen', 'A')
	,('Kim', 'Jen', 'B')
	,('Tom', 'Jen', 'B');

One way:

WITH CountryCheck
		,MAX(CASE WHEN Country = 'A' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY Parent, Child) AS IsCountry
	FROM #t
SELECT Parent, Child, Country
FROM CountryCheck
WHERE IsCountry = 0;