Traversing and Getting Nodes in Graph without Loop

I have a person table which keeps some personal info. like as table below.

| ID | name | motherID | fatherID |  sex   |
|  1 | A    | NULL     | NULL     | male   |
|  2 | B    | NULL     | NULL     | female |
|  3 | C    | 1        | 2        | male   |
|  4 | X    | NULL     | NULL     | male   |
|  5 | Y    | NULL     | NULL     | female |
|  6 | Z    | 5        | 4        | female |
|  7 | T    | NULL     | NULL     | female |

Also I keep marriage relationships between people. Like:

| HusbandID | WifeID |
|         1 |      2 |
|         4 |      5 |
|         1 |      5 |
|         3 |      6 |

With these information we can imagine the relationship graph. Like below;

Question is: How can I get all connected people by giving any of them's ID.

For example;

  • When I give ID=1, it should return to me 1,2,3,4,5,6.(order is not important)
  • Likewise When I give ID=6, it should return to me 1,2,3,4,5,6.(order is not important)
  • Likewise When I give ID=7, it should return to me 7.

Please attention : Person nodes' relationships (edges) may have loop anywhere of graph. Example above shows small part of my data. I mean; person and marriage table may consist thousands of rows and we do not know where loops may occur.

I can't code the working SQL. Thanks in advance. I am using SQL Server 2008 or 2017.