Tables Compare


I have 2 different DB schemas, and i want to write a procedure to compare difference in the 2 tables based on the count, with specific 2 columns and list the difference in a new table. This is based on the difference in number.

e.g table1: Column Name: John, Thomas, Peter
table2: Column Name: John, Thomas, Lucas, Mike

The result should state that the count difference is 2( Lucas & Mike are not in Table1) and List the difference in a new table.

Something like this perhaps:

insert into new_table (column_name)
select column_name
  from table1 as a
 where not exists (select 1
                     from table2 as b
                    where b.column_name=a.column_name

create table car
CarName varchar(50),
CarSize int,
CarColor varchar(50)

create table Newcar
CarName varchar(50),
CarSize int,
CarColor varchar(50),
CarShape varchar(50),
CarType varchar(50)

with cte as(
select c2.table_name,c2.COLUMN_NAME
where table_name='Newcar'
and c2.COLUMN_NAME not in (select column_name
where table_name='car')

select count(*) from cte