I have some raw customer survey NPS data coming in as per the table sample below. This has rows for each individual survey response, and whether that response in classified as a 'Promoter','Passive' or 'Detractor'.
| Date | Acct | Customer | Group | RatingType |
| 15/12/2024 | 116017 | Orange Homes (North) | Orange Homes | Promoter |
| 20/12/2024 | 116017 | Orange Homes (North) | Orange Homes | Promoter |
| 05/12/2024 | 116017 | Orange Homes (North) | Orange Homes | Promoter |
| 12/12/2024 | 116017 | Orange Homes (North) | Orange Homes | Passive |
| 14/12/2024 | 116017 | Orange Homes (North) | Orange Homes | Detractor |
| 09/12/2024 | 116016 | Orange Homes (West) | Orange Homes | Promoter |
| 06/12/2024 | 116016 | Orange Homes (West) | Orange Homes | Detractor |
| 15/12/2024 | 116016 | Orange Homes (West) | Orange Homes | Promoter |
| 17/12/2024 | 115052 | Blue Homes | | Promoter |
| 05/12/2024 | 115052 | Blue Homes | | Promoter |
| 09/12/2024 | 115052 | Blue Homes | | Promoter |
| 08/12/2024 | 115052 | Blue Homes | | Detractor |
| 02/12/2024 | 115052 | Blue Homes | | Promoter |
I need to summarize this both by Customer and Customer Group (if there is one), and provide the NPS score for the last complete month and the NPS score for the YTD. The NPS score should be calculated as % Promoters - % Detractors for the period & YTD, from the total number of responses (Promoters, Detractors & Passives). The result should look like the below, any NULL or blank NPS scores for either the customer or group like should be set to 0 in that instance.
| Date | Level | Customer | Responses | NPS | NPS_YTD |
| 31/12/2024 | Acct | 116016 | 3 | 33.3 | 33.3 |
| 31/12/2024 | Acct | 116017 | 5 | 40 | 40 |
| 31/12/2024 | Group | Orange Homes | 8 | 37.5 | 37.5 |
| 31/12/2024 | Acct | Blue Homes | 5 | 60 | 60 |
(the NPS_YTD figures here are the same as the current month as no previous data in the sample). The responses column should show the number of responses for the current month, but the NPS_YTD responses figures will obviously be different.
How can I achieve this from the NPS Data?
Here is the code for the table and sample data:
[Date] [date] NULL,
[Acct] [varchar](12) NULL,
[Customer] [varchar](60) NULL,
[Group] [varchar](40) NULL,
[RatingType] [varchar](15) NULL
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-15' AS Date), N'116017', N'Orange Homes (North)', N'Orange Homes', N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-20' AS Date), N'116017', N'Orange Homes (North)', N'Orange Homes', N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-05' AS Date), N'116017', N'Orange Homes (North)', N'Orange Homes', N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-12' AS Date), N'116017', N'Orange Homes (North)', N'Orange Homes', N'Passive')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-14' AS Date), N'116017', N'Orange Homes (North)', N'Orange Homes', N'Detractor')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-09' AS Date), N'116016', N'Orange Homes (West)', N'Orange Homes', N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-06' AS Date), N'116016', N'Orange Homes (West)', N'Orange Homes', N'Detractor')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-15' AS Date), N'116016', N'Orange Homes (West)', N'Orange Homes', N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-17' AS Date), N'115052', N'Blue Homes', NULL, N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-05' AS Date), N'115052', N'Blue Homes', NULL, N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-09' AS Date), N'115052', N'Blue Homes', NULL, N'Promoter')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-08' AS Date), N'115052', N'Blue Homes', NULL, N'Detractor')
INSERT INTO [NPS_Data] ([Date], [Acct], [Customer], [Group], [RatingType]) VALUES (CAST(N'2024-12-02' AS Date), N'115052', N'Blue Homes', NULL, N'Promoter')
Many thanks for your help