Here are my 3 Tables
CustCode CustName
1 a
2 b
3 c
RNo CustCode Amount
1 1 1000
2 1 40000
3 1 1000
4 2 5000

RNo CustCode Amount CommAmt AgentID
1 1 1000 100 1
1 1 1000 80 2
2 1 40000 4000 1
2 1 40000 3200 2
3 1 1000 100 1
3 1 1000 80 2
4 2 5000 500 8

Now I,ve to Fetch Records for a particular CustCode and the sum of Receipts and sum of commission
for that I wrote

Select CustName, SUM(Receipts.Amount) AS PaidAmt , SUM(Comm.CommAmt) AS CommAmt
from Registration
LEFT OUTER JOIN Receipts ON Registration.CustCode = Receipts.CustCode
LEFT OUTER JOIN Comms ON Registration.CustCode = Comms.CustCode
Where REGISTRATION.CustCode =1
GROUP BY Registration.CustCode, CustName

But it gives wrong answer. What is the correct way to do the sum

Give us a little more detail on what that "wrong answer" is. Maybe an example of what it's populating versus what you want it to show.

In SUM(Receipts.Amount) it should Show 42000 but it's showing some wrong value
Also SUM(Comm.CommAmt) Also giving wrong result

You probably should join on the RNo as well, like shown below:

SELECT  CustName ,
        SUM(Receipts.Amount) AS PaidAmt ,
        SUM(Comm.CommAmt) AS CommAmt
FROM    Registration
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Receipts ON Registration.CustCode = Receipts.CustCode
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Comms ON Registration.CustCode = Comms.CustCode
			AND Receipts.RNo = Comms.RNo  ---<----- THIS
GROUP BY Registration.CustCode ,

Now it corrected the Sum(Comm.CommAmt)
But Sum(Receipts.Amount) gives double values
instead of 42000 it is showing 84000

The data you posted for Receipts for CustCode = 1 is the following, which does add up to 84,000. Is that data correct? Perhaps it got inserted twice?

RNo CustCode Amount CommAmt AgentID
1 1 1000 100 1
1 1 1000 80 2
2 1 40000 4000 1
2 1 40000 3200 2
3 1 1000 100 1
3 1 1000 80 2

No it's not inserted Twice. It has only three rows 1000 + 40000 + 1000 for custcode = 1

See if the following gives you better results?

SELECT  rg.CustName ,
        r.PaidAmt ,
FROM    Registration rg
			SELECT SUM(r.Amount) AS PaidAmt
			FROM Receipts r
			WHERE rg.CustCode = r.CustCode
		) r
			SELECT SUM(c.CommAmt) AS CommAmt
			FROM Comms c
			WHERE rg.CustCode = c.CustCode
		) c
WHERE   rg.CustCode = 1
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Thanking You JamesK
It solved my issue.
I thought that I've to write some function to fetch the sum(Comm.CommAmt)

Again Thanking You!