Sum on XML header

Hi Everyone,

Good day!

Can I please get some assistance?

I have a query that generates an output in xml.
However, I need to add some summary values on the root node

Below is just a sample:

invoice amount="10"
invoice amount="20"
cnote amount ="30"
pmt amount = "40"
pmt amount = "50"

Where the header line1 is, I need to be able to put in totals for the invoices, cnotes and pmts.
Can anyone please offer any suggestions?

Thank you

For starters, post your code and input data

Without your code + table structure it is hard to say what the changes you need to make are. Here is an example that might be helpful.

CREATE TABLE #tmp (col1 INT, col2 INT);
INSERT INTO #tmp VALUES (1,4),(5,7);

	col1 + col2 AS [@sum],
FROM #tmp
FOR XML PATH ('line1');



Apologies for that.

Just need some ideas or perhaps a framework on how to get the summation on the header node.
Here is the basic structure of what I have:

SELECT XmlCol.query(' { /* } ')
col1, col2,
select col1, col2
from table1 t1
where end.colx = t1.colx
for xml auto, type

			select col1, col2
			from table2 t2
			where end.coly = t2.coly
			for xml auto, type

	FROM table3 end
	where end.colx 

) as T(XmlCol)

I am hoping to add some SUM values on the File Summary node
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you

@Kristen format sql :grinning:

and may I also suggest, as @khtan has most replies and :heart: likes, that we can do:
@khtan solve sql

1 Like

I would like to help, but looking at the code you posted I don't know what the "File Summary" node is, and what nodes/quantities you are trying to aggregate. If you can post the data in a consumable format (e.g. with create table statements etc. similar to what I had posted in my sample code in my earlier posting), that would make it easier for someone to respond.

Hi All,

Thank you for your replies so far.
I do apologize again for the vagueness.

I have below a trimmed down version of my script, which can be run to better illustrate my question:

CREATE TABLE #Debtor (DebtorID char(30), DebtorName char(30))
INSERT INTO #Debtor VALUES ('A1', 'A1 Debtor')

CREATE TABLE #Address (DebtorID char(30), Address char(50), Country char(10))
INSERT INTO #Address VALUES ('A1', 'some address', 'US')

CREATE TABLE #Contact (DebtorID char(30), Contactname char (20))
INSERT INTO #Contact VALUES ('A1', 'First Last')

CREATE TABLE #NewTrx (DebtorID char(30), Type int, Amount numeric(10,2))
INSERT INTO #NewTrx VALUES ('A1', 1, 10)
INSERT INTO #NewTrx VALUES ('A1', 1, 20)
INSERT INTO #NewTrx VALUES ('A1', 2, 30)

CREATE TABLE #OldTrx (DebtorID char(30), Type int, Amount numeric(10,2))
INSERT INTO #OldTrx VALUES ('A1', 1, 40)
INSERT INTO #OldTrx VALUES ('A1', 2, 50)
INSERT INTO #OldTrx VALUES ('A1', 2, 60)

SELECT XmlCol.query(' { /* } ')
Rtrim(DebtorID) DebtorID, Rtrim(DebtorName) DebtorName,
Rtrim(DebtorID) DebtorID,
Rtrim([Address]) [Address],
Rtrim(Country) Country
from #Address
where [Debtor].DebtorID = #Address.DebtorID
for xml auto, type

		Rtrim(DebtorID) DebtorID, 
		Rtrim(Contactname) [Contactname]
	from #Contact
	where [Debtor].DebtorID = #Contact.DebtorID
	for xml auto, type

		Rtrim(DebtorID) DebtorID, 
		case [Type] 
		when 1 then 'Invoice' 
		when 2 then 'Payment' 
		end as [DocType], 
	from #NewTrx
	where [Debtor].DebtorID = #NewTrx.DebtorID
	for xml auto, type

		Rtrim(DebtorID) DebtorID, 
		case [Type] 
		when 1 then 'Invoice' 
		when 2 then 'Payment' 
		end as [DocType], 
	from #OldTrx
	where [Debtor].DebtorID = #OldTrx.DebtorID
	for xml auto, type


FROM #Debtor [Debtor]
) as T(XmlCol)

Drop Table #Debtor
Drop Table #Address
Drop Table #Contact
Drop Table #NewTrx
Drop Table #OldTrx

The resulting XML file looks like:

Debtor DebtorID="A1" DebtorName="A1 Debtor"
_x0023_Address DebtorID="A1" Address="some address" Country="US" /
_x0023_Contact DebtorID="A1" Contactname="First Last" /
_x0023_NewTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Invoice" Amount="10.00" /
_x0023_NewTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Invoice" Amount="20.00" /
_x0023_NewTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Payment" Amount="30.00" /
_x0023_OldTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Invoice" Amount="40.00" /
_x0023_OldTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Payment" Amount="50.00" /
_x0023_OldTrx DebtorID="A1" DocType="Payment" Amount="60.00" /

At this stage, I need assistance to populate the FileSummary node above with a summation for invoices and payments.

I hope that makes sense?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you

Hi All,

I think I managed to get what I needed with the below change:

{ /
} /FileSummary')

Thank you all for your guidance.

I appreciate your assistance