Sum counts according to status

I am want to sum the counts based on the status from a table. Is there a way to add the sums to the select statement? I have 3 different statuses: 0, 1 and 2. I would like to get sum of counts 1 and sum of counts 0 and 2.

select productCode,COUNT(productCode) As Count,status
from GameBanks
where requestDateTime >= '20191118' and requestDateTime < '20191121'
group by productCode,status

hi this is one way of doing it !!!!

please click arrow to the left for drop create data ...
drop table #GameBanks

create table #GameBanks
productCode int ,
status int ,
requestDateTime date

insert into #GameBanks select 1,1,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 1,2,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 1,1,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 1,2,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 1,0,'20191120'

insert into #GameBanks select 2,0,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,1,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,2,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,0,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,0,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,1,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,2,'20191119'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,1,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,1,'20191120'
insert into #GameBanks select 2,2,'20191120'

select 'sample data',* from #GameBanks


please click arrow to the left for SQL
; WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT productcode, 
                Count(status) AS cnt 
         FROM   #gamebanks 
         WHERE  requestdatetime >= '20191118' 
                AND requestdatetime < '20191121' 
         GROUP  BY productcode, 
SELECT 'SQL Output', 
           partition BY productcode ) AS sumofcounts 
FROM   cte


Another way of doing !!!!

please click arrow to the left for ANOTHER WAY sql
; WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT productcode, 
                Count(status) AS cnt 
         FROM   #gamebanks 
         WHERE  requestdatetime >= '20191118' 
                AND requestdatetime < '20191121' 
         GROUP  BY productcode, 
     AS (SELECT productcode, 
                Count(status) AS cntstat 
         FROM   #gamebanks 
         GROUP  BY productcode) 
FROM   cte_sumcounts a 
       JOIN cte b 
         ON a.productcode = b.productcode 



Thank you @harishgg1, Is there a way to retrieve data as follows;

productCode, SumOf1s,SumOf0And2s

Yes ...

Case statement .

Please give me 40 minutes

I will do



is this what you are looking for !!!!

please click arrow to the left for SQL
; WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT productcode, 
                      WHEN status IN ( 0, 2 ) THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS SumOf0And2s, 
                      WHEN status IN ( 1 ) THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS SumOf1s 
         FROM   #gamebanks 
         WHERE  requestdatetime >= '20191118' 
                AND requestdatetime < '20191121' 
         GROUP  BY productcode) 
SELECT 'SQL productCode, SumOf1s,SumOf0And2s', 
FROM   cte 



1 Like

Splendid @harishgg1, is there anything that you can't do with SQL? :):grinning:

You mean

Me personally


SQL in general

If you mean me personally

This is very very easy simple stuff
For people who have a lot of experience
Writing SQL
We would have seen a lot of stuff over and over again

If you mean SQL
There is a lot " not possible " in SQL
Requires other things. .software etc

I meant you @harishgg1, wish I could do half of you.

In this task .even though it is very simple
there is a lot lot lot of information involved...

For someone new ..who has no idea
Will be very very tough

On the other hand
If you know
Learning how to learn. ... very fast
How to break it up and build it up
It's all thoughts ..
What kind of notes to take

How to learn anything 10x faster seems promising :grinning: thank you.

I could give a demo
To show you how

why not, may be when you have time :slight_smile:

I will post it in this thread tomorrow.. or we could take it offline

Hi @harishgg1,

What is the difference between your query and this one? They both seem returning the same result.

SELECT productcode, Sum(CASE WHEN status IN ( 0, 2 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'CANCEL\UNCERTAIN', Sum(CASE WHEN status IN ( 1 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CONFIRM FROM GameConfirmResponses WHERE requestdatetime >= '20191118' AND requestdatetime < '20191121' GROUP BY productcode

there is no difference in output

i was doing the earlier output in CTE and modified the CTE

its the same thing -- i just got lazy to remove the CTE

for example ..
what happened

-- earlier SQL ..
; with CTE
select top 10 * from table a join table b on
select * from cte

-- what i did was used the CTE for writing different code
; with CTE
select col1 from tableXYZ
select * from cte

-- this produces the same output as
select col1 from tableXYZ

got lazy to remove the CTE part

hope i am clear what happened !!!
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:


@harishgg1 I have one more question; I have a similar table. Can I merge/sum the results?
Here is the other table query:
SELECT productcode, Sum(CASE WHEN status IN ( 0, 2 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'CANCEL\UNCERTAIN', Sum(CASE WHEN status IN ( 1 ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CONFIRM FROM **GameBanks** WHERE requestdatetime >= '20191118' AND requestdatetime < '20191121' GROUP BY productcode

hi Cenk

Please tell me what you mean ??
by merge/sum the results

Please show in diagram what you mean ?? Something very simple to understand !!!