Can you please let me know what would be the strategy to fix following data in a table?
- please provide the sample data as real usable data , not as embedded picture
- What is it you want fixed?
create table #dima(baddata nvarchar(150))
insert into #dima
select '070 - Univeristy of' union
and now please provide sample data with DDL and DML.
create table #dima
insert into #dima
help us help you.
Looks like this is what you are looking for, but pictures don't help. DDL and sample data make it easier for us
create table #dima(baddata nvarchar(150))
insert into #dima
select '070 - Univeristy of Ottawa - Ontario' union all
select 'ON099 University Outside N. America' union all
select 'ON094 York University' union all
select '160 - York University' union all
select '130 - The University of Western Ontario - Ontario' union all
select 'ON098 USA Universities'
Select baddata ,
Ltrim(Rtrim(Substring(BadData, Case when CharIndex('-',BadData) > Charindex(' ', BadData) then CharIndex('-',BadData) else CharIndex(' ',BadData) end + 1, len(BadData))))
from #dima
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Thank you. This is very helpful.