Stored procedure to linked server with function parameter containing quotes

Found this code on your site. Are all the quotes single or are there some doubles in there?

Tested below code

declare @wcID char(4)
declare @sql_str nvarchar (4000)

SET @wcID = '1'

SET @sql_str =
'SELECT COUNT(coil_num) AS coilCnt,
SUM(produced_wgt) AS weight,
SUM(produced_length) AS length,
SUM(bonus_base_pct) AS bonus
FROM MIPS.coil_dtl
WHERE wc_num = ''' + @wcID + '''
AND coil_num = coil_num_at_wc
AND to_char(produced_date_time, ''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') > ''2005-12-15 07:00:00''
AND to_char(produced_date_time, ''YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'') < ''2005-12-15 19:00:00'''

SET @sql_str = N'select * from OPENQUERY(MIPS, ''' + REPLACE(@sql_str, '''', '''''') + ''')'

PRINT @sql_str

EXEC (@sql_str)


Since this is going into a variable, you need to qualify the quote.

Thanks! :slight_smile: