Starting PsExec form Command Prompt

Hi experts,
I have a need to use the PSExec tool to start Management Studio.

psexec is installed on the sql server

When I run this at the command prompt (I used the Administrator option)
c:\SysInternalsTools\PSTools>PsExec -s -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL

I get error:
PsExec could not start ?s:
The system cannot find the file specified.

The above path IS where psexec is installed so I'm baffled as to why I get this error.

Make sure that you dont have stopped or disabled LanmanServer (Server) or LanmanWorkstation (Workstation) services.

Thanks Jason. I found that Lanman was not running on this server.
I was able to connect to the instance via the command prompt and got everything working again.