I have 1 Server We will call RS01 for Reporting Services
On that server I have 3 Instances for SQL and 3 instance for Report Server RSDEV, RSTEST, RSPROD
I have configured the URLS for each instance under specific ports 80, 8080, 8081
I, who have admin rights and the other in my AD Group, have no issues accessing all 3 URLs. Yes I have set up Security the same on all 3 URLs. On the DEV url, users have no issues accessing Report Manager, and the files and folders they have permissions to, however in the TEST and PROD environment they are receiving this error:
"User 'UserName' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.
I am at a lost. We are using 1 Windows account for the RS Service account, and individual SQL Service accounts for the SQl Instances, except the browser is only using default because that is fine.
I have double checked the delegation settings in AD on the service account. We have specified ports for SQL Server and I double checked them, checks the SPNS, not sure what else I am missing.