SSRS 2010 Datepicker calendar is not displayed when a parameter has the available values setup

The problem is then the datepicker calendar option that I want the user to access is not displayed when the available values of a parameter are selected.

In a modifed ssrs 2010, I added a parameter called startdate where the data type is set to date/time.

The start date parameter obtains its default value from the following query:
select schoolyear,min(startdate)AS STARTDATE
from [CampusOps].[dbo].[AtnLtrSemester]
where schoolyear = @pSchoolYear
group by schoolyear

**Note the @pSchoolYear value is set to integer.

The query runs fine when I only have a default value set and the value displayed looks like the following 07/27/2017.
**Note the school year parameter also has a default value which is currently 2018.

The problem is when the user wants to change the school year parameter to 2017. The start date problem does not change.

To fix that issue, I have the available values set to dataset=startdate, value field=startdate, and label field=startdate.

The problem is then the datepicker calendar option that I want the user to access is not displayed when the available values of a parameter are selected.

Thus can you tell me what I can do to solve this issue?

can you post the sample values in the schoolyear column.

The values of the school year column are, 2019, 2018, 2017.

First off all you need to use both parameters @startdate and @pSchooolYear in where condition in SQL query.
For startdate parameter you need to use datatype as date/time and you can set the default values also.
For @pSchoolYear you need to create separate dataset and in parameter option choose option as get values from query (under that choose the dataset that you would create for parameter @pSchoolYear).

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