Sql trigger assign value to parameter

I am trying to pass values to parameters:
@code 2
to find value of the parameters I would use Select statement such
SELECT StockCode
FROM dbo.LotTran
WHERE (Job = 'F0001727') AND (TrnType = 'I') AND (StockCode LIKE '5%')

the SELECT STATEMENT WILL always give me a list of 2 stock codes;

I need to assign @code1 to first listed stock code and @code2 to second listed stock code

I would appreciate help with this issue.

You can use ROW_NUMBER to tackle this challenge. As I don't have your database and you didn't provide a specific example I've created the following example:



SELECT 500008 AS StockCode
INTO #tblStock
SELECT 500019 AS StockCode;

;WITH Stock AS
	ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY StockCode) AS RowNumber
SELECT @Code1=CASE WHEN RoWNumber=1 THEN StockCode ELSE  @Code1 END,  @Code2=CASE WHEN RoWNumber=2 THEN StockCode ELSE @Code2 END
FROM Stock

SELECT 'Code1: ', @Code1;
SELECT 'Code2: ', @Code2;
declare @Code1 int, @code2 int
declare @T as table(StockCode  int)
insert into @T (StockCode) values (500008), (500019)
set @Code1 = (select top 1 StockCode from @T order by StockCode)
set @Code2 = (select top 1 StockCode from @T order by StockCode desc)
select @Code1, @code2

My stock code values will change based on the query.
FROM dbo.LotTran
WHERE (Job = 'F0001727') AND (TrnType = 'I') AND (StockCode LIKE '5%')
when the job number changes the stock codes will differ. There will be 2 stock codes always.

Sure, obviously the codes will change, but if there are exactly 2 codes then the answer you were given is correct.
It's not clear what you mean.

If you give use an example so we can use your data we can help you in detail.

; WITH Stock AS 
SELECT StockCode,
	ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY StockCode) AS RowNumber
FROM dbo.LotTran
WHERE (Job = 'F0001727') AND (TrnType = 'I') AND (StockCode LIKE '5%')
@Code1=CASE WHEN RoWNumber=1 THEN StockCode ELSE  @Code1 END,  @Code2=CASE WHEN RoWNumber=2 THEN StockCode ELSE @Code2 END
FROM Stock;