Sql stored procedure to select top 1 from multiple tables and update 1 table in one query

I have two tables in this format below;
Table Transfer
Id Stage Amount TransactionNumber bnumber

Table User
Id Bnumber FirstName FirstLastName

My aim is to select top 1 from these tables based on criteria and then update that record in the Transfer table, all in one query. I have struggled and came up with the procedure below;

@transno nvarchar(50)
Begin transaction
		declare @id int
		declare @stage int

			SELECT distinct top 1  @id = t.Id, @stage = t.Stage
			FROM dbo.[Transfer] t
			inner JOIN dbo.[User] b on b.Bnumber = t.bnumber	
			where t.Stage = 0 and RTRIM(LTRIM(t.TransactionNumber)) = @transno
			order by t.Id
		update dbo.[Transfer] set Stage = 1 where Id = @id
		SELECT distinct top 1 t.Id,ROUND(t.Amount,2,1) as 'Amount',b.FirstName + ' ' + b.FirstLastName UserName,t.Stage
		FROM dbo.[Transfer] t
		inner JOIN dbo.[User] b on b.Bnumber = t.bnumber
		where t.id=@id
		order by t.Id


The challenge is I have noticed that multiple calls to this procedure produce the same result sometimes, especially if these calls are within seconds/microseconds apart.
Any help in optimizing this will be appreciated.

Try this:

SELECT distinct top 1 @id = t.Id, @stage = t.Stage
FROM dbo.[Transfer] t WITH (UPDLOCK) --<<--<<--
inner JOIN dbo.[User] b on b.Bnumber = t.bnumber
where t.Stage = 0 and RTRIM(LTRIM(t.TransactionNumber)) = @transno
order by t.Id

And you should get rid of the LTRIM and RTRIM on t.TransactionNumber. If the data needs LTRIMm'ed, do that as it is being INSERTed to Transfer rather than on every SELECT after that. And you never need the RTRIM() for an = comparison.