I want to extract a list of car plates which have passed through a certain point. I am asked to list the plates which are not domestic.
The domestic plate order is like one of these:
99 X 9999
99 X 99999
99 XX 999
99 XX 9999
99 XXX 99
99 XXX 999
Hi Ugurh,
You can search your table like this:
SELECT * FROM Plates WHERE Plate LIKE '%[0-9][0-9][A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'
Wildcard to match characters - SQL Server (Transact-SQL) | Microsoft Learn
Sorry but that does not work. I have come to find this ;
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE PlakaNo REGEXP '[1]+$'
which gives the domestic plates now but I need to find out the phrase that give the opposite of this now. I mean the plates which are not domestic.
A-Za-z0-9 ↩︎
Looks like you use MySQL?
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE PlakaNo NOT REGEXP '+$'
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 12.8.2 Regular Expressions
This brings not only domestic plates but internationals too like AA293AA, can we simplify it to bring only internationals ?