SQL return results that excludes a value category and also its parent value

Consider this code:

From HelpCall
Left join Instruction on HelpCall.HelpCallKey = Instruction.LinkKey

This produces a list of Help Calls and Instructions. Instructions can only be generated from a Help Call, each Help Call can have many Instructions:

CallID InstructionID
SD137710 RFW062182
SD137710 DMI000022
SD137713 RFW062184
SD137705 DMI000072
SD137706 RFW062180

I want to query only where is a Help Call that contains an InstructionID beginning with 'RFW%' but does not contain an InstructionID that begins with 'DMI%'.
When I execute the below code to exclude DMIs (for the purpose of illustrating my issue), it obviously still returns HelpCallID SD137710. I don't want it to, because that Help Call contains an InstructionID beginning with DMI which is fine for this issue:

From HelpCall
Left join Instruction on HelpCall.HelpCallKey = Instruction.LinkKey and Instruction.InstructionID not like 'DMI%'

CallID InstructionID
SD137710 RFW062182
SD137713 RFW062184
SD137705 DMI000072
SD137706 RFW062180

Using the above results as an explanation, I want the query only to return SD137713 and SD137706 and its corresponding Help Call ID, because those Help Calls only contain an InstructionID beginning with RFW.

Thanks in advance.

See if this does what you need:

From HelpCall HC
inner join Instruction I on HC.HelpCallKey = I.LinkKey and 
    I.InstructionID LIKE 'RFW%' and 
    not exists(select * from Instruction I2 where HC.HelpCallKey = I2.LinkKey and 
        I2.InstructionID LIKE 'DMI%')

This is brilliant, thanks Scott!