Consider this code:
From HelpCall
Left join Instruction on HelpCall.HelpCallKey = Instruction.LinkKey
This produces a list of Help Calls and Instructions. Instructions can only be generated from a Help Call, each Help Call can have many Instructions:
CallID InstructionID
SD137710 RFW062182
SD137710 DMI000022
SD137713 RFW062184
SD137705 DMI000072
SD137706 RFW062180
I want to query only where is a Help Call that contains an InstructionID beginning with 'RFW%' but does not contain an InstructionID that begins with 'DMI%'.
When I execute the below code to exclude DMIs (for the purpose of illustrating my issue), it obviously still returns HelpCallID SD137710. I don't want it to, because that Help Call contains an InstructionID beginning with DMI which is fine for this issue:
From HelpCall
Left join Instruction on HelpCall.HelpCallKey = Instruction.LinkKey and Instruction.InstructionID not like 'DMI%'
CallID InstructionID
SD137710 RFW062182
SD137713 RFW062184
SD137705 DMI000072
SD137706 RFW062180
Using the above results as an explanation, I want the query only to return SD137713 and SD137706 and its corresponding Help Call ID, because those Help Calls only contain an InstructionID beginning with RFW.
Thanks in advance.