SQl Query taking too long time to execute


I am using below query .. Before I added the Bold lines query was given results in just 40 sec .. but after I added that bold lines part query is taking more than 4 mins to complete it... :frowning: I have run it for just 1 week data which suppose to be 11 records.. still it taking that much time to execute... Can you please check on this query and please let me know what could be the problem...

SELECT v.AccountNumber,q.VisitID ,v.[Name],q.Query,
De.Name as 'Entered Site'
,q2.Response as 'Entered Date'
,q4.Response as 'Issue Notified'
,De2.Name as 'Necessity Name'
,De3.Name as 'Observation'

FROM BarVisits v JOIN VisitQueries q ON v.VisitID=q.VisitID
Inner join VisitQueries q2 ON (q2.VisitID = q.VisitID and q2.QueryID = 'CLVDATE1')
Inner join VisitQueries q4 ON (q4.VisitID = q.VisitID and q4.QueryID = 'CLVSNOT1')

Inner join NCWorkTdRepeatMult np on (np.VisitID = q.VisitID and np.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1' and np.RowUpdateDateTime in (select Top(1)npw.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw where np.VisitID = npw.VisitID and npw.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1' order by npw.RowUpdateDateTime ASC))
Inner join NCWorkTdRepeatMult np1 on (np1.VisitID = q.VisitID and np1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1' and np1.RowUpdateDateTime in (select Top(1)npw1.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw1 where np1.VisitID = npw1.VisitID and npw1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1' order by npw1.RowUpdateDateTime ASC))
Left outer join DVisitResponseElements De on (De.CodeID = q.Response and De.GroupResponseID = 'CLVSITE')

Left outer join DVisitResponseElements De2 on (De2.CodeID = np.Response and De2.GroupResponseID = 'CLVNECN1')
Left outer join DVisitResponseElements De3 on (De3.CodeID = np1.Response and De3.GroupResponseID = 'CLVOBSIT1')

q.[DateTime] BETWEEN @BeginDate and @EndDate

What does the execution plan show?

Why do you have this twice:

(select Top(1)npw.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw where np.VisitID = npw.VisitID and npw.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1' order by npw.RowUpdateDateTime ASC)

instead of adding another join clause? Also, do you get full optimization? (in the execution plan, right-click on the first select and choose Properties. In the properties window, you'll find Optimization Level)

are the join predicates indexed?


I have Two different queries 'CLVNECN1' and 'CLVOBSIT1' need to find the 1st responses of these two queries ... As they have more responses we are pulling first response by selecting first RowUpdateDateTime .
that's why I used query like below. Not sure whether I am following right or wrong as I am new to SQL please suggest me and modify query please.

Inner join NCWorkTdRepeatMult np on (np.VisitID = q.VisitID and np.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1' and np.RowUpdateDateTime in (select Top(1)npw.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw where np.VisitID = npw.VisitID and npw.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1' order by npw.RowUpdateDateTime ASC))

From above I get the np.Response for QueryID = 'CLVNECN1'

From below I get the np1.Response for QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1'

Inner join NCWorkTdRepeatMult np1 on (np1.VisitID = q.VisitID and np1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1' and np1.RowUpdateDateTime in (select Top(1)npw1.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw1 where np1.VisitID = npw1.VisitID and npw1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1' order by npw1.RowUpdateDateTime ASC))

Can you please help me to simplify the query .



SELECT v.AccountNumber,
       De.Name AS 'Entered Site',
       q2.Response AS 'Entered Date',
       q4.Response AS 'Issue Notified',
       De2.Name AS 'Necessity Name',
       De3.Name AS 'Observation'
FROM BarVisits v
    JOIN VisitQueries q
        ON v.VisitID = q.VisitID
    JOIN VisitQueries q2
        ON (
               q2.VisitID = q.VisitID
               AND q2.QueryID = 'CLVDATE1'
    JOIN VisitQueries q4
        ON (
               q4.VisitID = q.VisitID
               AND q4.QueryID = 'CLVSNOT1'
    JOIN NCWorkTdRepeatMult np
        ON np.VisitID = q.VisitID
           AND np.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1'
    JOIN NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw1
        ON np.VisitID = npw.VisitID
           AND npw.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1'
           AND np.RowUpdateDateTime = npw1.RowUpdateDateTime
    JOIN NCWorkTdRepeatMult np1
        ON np1.VisitID = q.VisitID
           AND np1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1'
    JOIN NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw2
        ON np2.VisitID = npw2.VisitID
           AND npw2.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1'
           AND np2.RowUpdateDateTime = npw2.RowUpdateDateTime
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De
        ON (
               De.CodeID = q.Response
               AND De.GroupResponseID = 'CLVSITE'
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De2
        ON (
               De2.CodeID = np.Response
               AND De2.GroupResponseID = 'CLVNECN1'
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De3
        ON (
               De3.CodeID = np1.Response
               AND De3.GroupResponseID = 'CLVOBSIT1'
      AND q.[DateTime]
      BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate;

Thank you gbritton but Your query giving all the responses of QueryID 'CLVNECN1' and 'CLVOBSIT1' . but I need only first response entered in table which can be captured by pulling old RowUpdateDateTime ..

That's why I used

select Top(1)npw.RowUpdateDateTime from NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw where np.VisitID = npw.VisitID and npw.QueryID = 'CLDRSGSIT1' order by npw.RowUpdateDateTime ASC

But you didn't included this part in query so because of that I got all the responses for each visitID ..

Can you please let me know how can I achieve this logic to get only 1st response for each VisitID for QueryID 'CLVNECN1' and 'CLVOBSIT1'

Thank you so much for looking in to this... Really appreciated for your help...


Aha, so we'll convert those joins to cross applys:

SELECT v.AccountNumber,
       De.Name AS 'Entered Site',
       q2.Response AS 'Entered Date',
       q4.Response AS 'Issue Notified',
       De2.Name AS 'Necessity Name',
       De3.Name AS 'Observation'
FROM BarVisits v
    JOIN VisitQueries q
        ON v.VisitID = q.VisitID
    JOIN VisitQueries q2
        ON (
               q2.VisitID = q.VisitID
               AND q2.QueryID = 'CLVDATE1'
    JOIN VisitQueries q4
        ON (
               q4.VisitID = q.VisitID
               AND q4.QueryID = 'CLVSNOT1'
    JOIN NCWorkTdRepeatMult np
        ON np.VisitID = q.VisitID
           AND np.QueryID = 'CLVNECN1'

        SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw
        WHERE np.VisitID = npw.VisitID
              AND npw.QueryID = 'CLDRSGSIT1'
        ORDER BY npw.RowUpdateDateTime ASC
    ) npw
    JOIN NCWorkTdRepeatMult np1
        ON np1.VisitID = q.VisitID
           AND np1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1'

        SELECT TOP (1)
        FROM NurPocWorkTdRepeatResultMult npw1
        WHERE np1.VisitID = npw1.VisitID
              AND npw1.QueryID = 'CLVOBSIT1'
        ORDER BY npw1.RowUpdateDateTime ASC
    ) npw1
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De
        ON (
               De.CodeID = q.Response
               AND De.GroupResponseID = 'CLVSITE'
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De2
        ON (
               De2.CodeID = np.Response
               AND De2.GroupResponseID = 'CLVNECN1'
    LEFT JOIN DVisitResponseElements De3
        ON (
               De3.CodeID = np1.Response
               AND De3.GroupResponseID = 'CLVOBSIT1'
      AND q.[DateTime]
      BETWEEN @BeginDate AND @EndDate;

Query is working but it's still taking long time to pull the results..

Any help will be appreciated...

  1. How long is long? (seconds, minutes, hours) and what is your performance goal?
  2. What does the execution plan look like?
  3. Are the join columns and columns in the WHERE clause(s) indexed?