SQL Newbe Question

'D Sdy mind telling me what is wrong with that beautiful expression? :slight_smile:

SELECT *, COUNT(account.accountname_ID) AS 'count'
FROM account
RIGHT JOIN sessionmap account.accountname_ID=sessionmap.accountname_ID
GROUP BY account.accountname_ID
HAVING MAX(account.count)

Ty ! ^^

You can't include columns in the results of a GROUP BY unless they are either part of the GROUP BY list or are aggregated somehow. If you remove the * from your SELECT list, you will get an answer.

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Still Error. It is undelining " account.accountname_ID=sessionmap.accountname_ID"

RIGHT JOIN sessionmap ON

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Wasnt there a more gentle way to tell me i am stupid?

sorry .. trying to understand what your comment meant

Wasnt there a more gentle way to tell me i am stupid?

why are you taking it so personally

did you not understand what AndyC was saying