SQL importing error

I have changed my hosting Company from one to another. I tried importing my SQL file and I get this error.


SQL query:

!50013 DEFINER=onlinea2@localhost SQL SECURITY DEFINER /
!50001 VIEW vwallorders AS select tbl_gf_codes.CodeId AS Id,cast(tbl_gf_codes.RequestedAt as date) AS OrderDate,tbl_gf_codes.UserId AS UserId from tbl_gf_codes union select tbl_gf_codes_slbf.CodeId AS Id,cast(tbl_gf_codes_slbf.RequestedAt as date) AS OrderDate,tbl_gf_codes_slbf.UserId AS UserId from tbl_gf_codes_slbf union select tbl_gf_log_requests.LogRequestId AS Id,cast(tbl_gf_log_requests.RequestedAt as date) AS OrderDate,tbl_gf_log_requests.UserId AS UserId from tbl_gf_log_requests */

MySQL said

#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

My script runs on PHP 5.6 version. What can be the issue? Please help me.

Thanks in advance.