SQL Help - Avg Amount vs Dept Amount


I'm looking to show the avg company total and then in another column the average department total. I would then like to have a case statement to show if the department is higher than the company average. And then group by department.

Added a screenshot of some how the tables would look.

Welcome! In the future, you will get the best responses if you provide sample data in a usable form, as shown below, rather than in a picture. That way responders can immediately start writing code.

CREATE TABLE #Test ( row int NOT NULL, id int NOT NULL, 
    name varchar(30) NOT NULL );
    (1, 1, 'IT'), (2, 2, 'Sales'), (3, 3, 'Customer');

CREATE TABLE #Test_Two ( row int NOT NULL, id int NOT NULL, 
    name varchar(30) NOT NULL, salary int NOT NULL, TestId int NOT NULL ); 
    (1, 1, 'James', 750, 1),
    (2, 2, 'Jim', 260, 2),
    (3, 3, 'John', 400, 2),
    (4, 4, 'Jake', 500, 2),
    (5, 5, 'Hope', 800, 1),
    (6, 6, 'Stu', 600, 3);

;WITH cte_get_company_avg AS (
    SELECT AVG(salary * 1.0) AS Avg_Company_Salary
    FROM #Test_Two
SELECT T.Name, AVG(TT.salary * 1.0) AS Avg_Dept_Salary, 
    CASE WHEN AVG(TT.salary * 1.0) > MAX(cte.Avg_Company_Salary) THEN 'Avg Dept Salary is higher than Company Avg' ELSE '' END
FROM #Test_Two TT
INNER JOIN #Test T ON T.id = TT.TestId
CROSS JOIN cte_get_company_avg cte
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