SQL - Finding duplicate rows of data

Hi All,

I know this is probably something really simple, but I thought I would ask. I have to create a one time query to find rows that our duplicate, however I don't have a primary key. This is what I have below, Please let me know if there is a simpler way. Once I determine that the TIN, DOB, charge is the same I need to find out what the other Claim ID is, which is [Claim ID TCN]

Example would be I have a claim 12548523. I can't match on the claim because the numbers are different. But I can match on TIN, DOB and Total Charges. Then I can get the other Claim ID that I need which would be the Claim ID - TCN. I hope this makes sense if not, I can try to explain more.

Select Distinct
CLM_6A as [Date of Service - CBR],
---CLM_1B, patient address
CLM_12A as [Patient Last name - CBR],
CLM_12B as [Patient First Name - CBR],
CLM_14 as [Date of Birth - CBR],
CLM_tchg as [Total Charge - CBR],
[Claim ID TCN],
[Total Charge - TCN]

Inner JOIN (Select Distinct clm_id1 as [Claim ID TCN], clm_5 as [TIN - TCN],clm_tchg as [Total Charge - TCN], clm_12a as [Patient Last name],CLM_12B as [Patient First Name],CLM_14 as [Date of Birth], CLM_6A as [Date of Service - TCN] FROM IMPACT.dbo.CLM where CLM_CC1 = '13320' AND CLM_6A >= '01/01/2019') tcn on [TIN - TCN] = clm_5 and [Date of Service - TCN] = CLM_6A and [Total Charge - TCN] = clm_tchg and [Date of Birth] = clm_14
where CLM_CC1 = '13620' AND

CLM_6A >= '01/01/2019' and
/**These are CBR claims that have a TIN that is PAR/
clm_id1 IN ('06781581',

This is one way of doing it:

select top(1) with ties
       * /* the fields you want to show */
  from impact.dbo.clm
 where clm_cc1='13620'
   and clm_6a>=cast('20190101' as datetime)
 * These are CRB claims that have a TIN that is PAR
   and clm_id1 in ('06781581'
 order by sign(sum(-1) over(partition by clm_5