KHTan told me that QA won't install under Windows 10
Yes, still QA here. I am far more productive in that than SSMS (also installed, and used for GUI tasks, but not for writing SQL code/Sprocs), but I saw an installer using SSMS yesterday and I was impressed with how he used it (as it is intended to be). He hardly wrote any code just did Point & Click in the Table tree to get columns lists, and Intellisense to get table/object names (of course he knew what it was going to offer him, so he was genuinely using it intelligently to save him typing-time) . But all his code was full of swarf (square brackets, repeat of unambiguous qualifiers, etc.) that would seriously annoy me.
I use an sproc (with a very short name!) to get lists of columns (well ... pretty much anything) in the format that I want them and Cut & Paste which suits me well and is a habit that I would find very hard to break.
If I can't get QA to install I think my best bet would be to buy !! the nearest equivalent that I can find. I currently (but not very often) toggle to a Programmers Editor for some RegEx type find & replace, and its brilliantly effective DIFF, which it would be nice to have integrated in the IDE, but I doubt, for me, that is SSMS.
The other thing that might work for me is a bigger screen. I dislike using QA on my laptop (1600 x 900) compared to my desktop (2x 1280 x 1024) because of a lack of window height on the laptop. My ideal window width is around 800px wide and as tall as possible, and in QA I can get a couple of those side-by-side and overlap them to jump between them. TAB'ed windows doesn't work for me, and having to open/close side panes I find annoying (although I expect there is an F-key that will do that, in SSMS, once learned)
I'm looking at upgrading PC (now too slow with 100 Chrome TABs open across half a dozen Windows) and will probably go for 2 x 27" 4K screens which I think? would be 3840 x 2160. Might put one of them Portrait? That will give me taller 800px wide IDE windows.
Things I do:
My first window opened is always JUNK_COMPARE.SQL. That is in a pane on the left, and I use it as a cut & paste dump. Lets say I go to close a window (it's probably been open for days ... !!!) and QA says "Save changes?" and I go "Hmmm ...". Chances are that I probably already edited that same file some more / differently in another window, so MAYBE the changes are stale. I Copy & Paste its contents to my JUNK window, do OPEN or SAVE AS on the original window (to get file list), if the filename is not immediately visible (directory is in LIST format, but MODIFY TIME sorted, so effectively gives me "Recently Worked" files - typically 12 files without scrolling) I modify the filename to append a "*" and then the Files Window just shows one file.
I have an APP installed (that probably won't work in Windows 10 either! it moaned when I installed it last time ...) that allows me to RightClick the file and get Long Name, Folder, Path [inc Name], UNC name to clipboard. I choose Path and then toggle to programmers edit and use DIFF between JUNK (which is always the first file, so will be remembered as the default) and paste my Path into 2nd file. The DIFF fires up and I either merge the changes, with the ones I did already, separately!!, or into the original file if I hadn't actually changed anything separately, or discard them.
I probably ought to change SOME habits though ... I use a Concatenate For Release approach to building a script of multiple SQL files, but its not an instant job (it involves some SOP steps as part of the Release to QA), so I could do with something lightweight for a Daily Build. I had to drag 100 or so files to QA yesterday to make sure "everything recently changed was run", and then manually run each one - that's a PAIN!.
Some files (i.e. SProcs and Triggers) still have, deliberate, ZZZZ comments that need attention and are designed to prevent a script just being run so I remember to do something about them before release! in the meantime they get commented out as "--xxzzzz" so the script executes, and the "--xx" will be taken out if the file gets saved, in that format, and then attempted to be put into Revision Control. I really should make (Google?!!) a BATch file that grabs "all files since XXX" and concatenates them AND changes any line that starts "zzzz" and runs them through SQLCMD
Probably some other productivity things I could lean from others ...