Sql distribution query

Can someone please help me with this SQL:

We need CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for the data. A picture of data helps as explanation, but it doesn't help at all for writing code.

To see what Scott is talking about, please read and heed the following article to give your post the best chance for getting a good, tested answer. It usually takes less time than it does to create and post a pretty picture.

Please use the this SQL Code - Please review the error message and let me know. I would need the answer in 2 decimal places. Appreciate your help.

-- sample data
Tbl_PCode as (
select *
from (values
(54321,'REG', 8.10, 1),
(54321,'OTC', 2.10, 2)
) t(ID,PCode,Hours,pos)
Tbl_TCode as (
select *
from (values
(54321,'InsideC', 6.00, 1),
(54321,'OutsideC',4.20, 2)
) t(ID,TCode,Hours,pos)

tally as (
select top(24) rn= row_number() over(order by (select null))
from sys.all_objects
-- query
t_P as (
select *, rn=row_number() over(partition by ID order by pos)
from Tbl_PCode
cross apply (select top(Hours) 1 n
from tally
) x
t_T as (
select , rn=row_number() over(partition by ID order by pos)
from Tbl_TCode
cross apply (select top(Hours) 1 n
from tally
) x
select t_P.ID, t_P.PCode, count(
), t_T.TCode
from t_P
join t_T on t_P.ID=t_T.ID and t_P.rn=t_T.rn
group by t_P.ID, t_P.PCode, t_T.TCode

Sorry for not obeying the proper way. Here is the complete SQL which you can use to create and load data for you. The end result should look like this:


DECLARE @tbl_PCode table
ID int, PCode VARCHAR(7),PHours DECIMAL (16,1)

DECLARE @tbl_TCode table
ID int, TCode VARCHAR(7),THours DECIMAL (16,1)

Values (450001,'REGC',40.00),

Values (450001,'FieldC',12.00),

;with cte as (
select a.ID,a.PCode, a.PHours as Hours, b.TCode from @tbl_PCode a, @tbl_TCode b
group by a.ID,a.PCode, a.PHours, b.TCode
select * from cte