Apologies if this is a stupid question but my brain has decided to switch off and I cant work out how to do what i need.
What am i trying to achieve?
I have 2 tables, one table lets say Accounts and another table called Equipment.
On the accounts there's a marker which will say if that account has a "Cooler" installed (called Cooler_Installed) another marker to say if an "Ice Maker" is installed (called Ice_Installed) and they're both a TRUE or FALSE value.
On the Equipment table it contains Equipment ID, Account ID and Equipment Type (value as 'COOLER' OR 'ICE'). There could be 2 rows of data in this table if an account has both a Cooler installed and also an Ice Maker.
What I'd like to do is run an SQL query which will display all the accounts that have the markers on the account that DONT actually have equipment installed anymore.
i.e. Account ID 1234 has Cooler_Installed = TRUE and Ice_Installed = TRUE on the account, but the ice maker has been removed from that account as no record in the equipment table with the Account ID 1234 and the Equipment Type as ICE exists anymore.
Expect Results:
Based on the example above I'd like the output to display all the Account IDs and the Equipment Type where the equipment is no longer installed. So based on the example above it would be:
Thank you for your support. I cant do this as I'm using Salesforce Marketing Cloud but I've provided example data for you (Below). You'll see 3 parts:.
Accounts - Account information
Equipment - Which holds the equipment information
Whats Removed - Shows what has changed between Accounts and Equipment
The Whats Remove part is what I'm wanting to achieve, to get a list of account IDs that have the "Cooler_Installed" as TRUE but no equipment type under the Account ID is found in the equipment table, the same goes for "Ice_Installed" as TRUE but no equipment type under the account id is found in the equipment table.
FROM Accounts a
SELECT a.Account_ID, 'COOLER' AS Equipment_Type
WHERE a.Cooler_Installed = 'TRUE' AND NOT EXISTS(
FROM Equipment e
WHERE e.Account_ID = a.Account_ID AND e.Equipment_Type = 'COOLER')
SELECT a.Account_ID, 'ICE' AS Equipment_Type
WHERE a.Ice_Installed = 'TRUE' AND NOT EXISTS(
FROM Equipment e
WHERE e.Account_ID = a.Account_ID AND e.Equipment_Type = 'ICE')
) AS e
WHERE (a.Cooler_Installed = 'TRUE' OR a.Ice_Installed = 'TRUE')
Thank for you this, I've just been looking at this and there seems to be a syntax issue, but as I've never used the CROSS APPLY function before I'm not sure where the error is. Please could you take a look into this for me?
I'm using Salesforce Marketing Cloud which uses SQL Server 2016 when running an SQL Query. I've also ran it through eversql syntax checker and that's showing the below:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; it seems the error is around: 'APPLY ( SELECT a.Account_ID, 'COOLER' AS Equipment_Type WHER' at line 5
Apologies if your answer is correct, it may just not work for me in SFMC for some reason