SQL Approach


Can someone give me some pointers on how to approach this in SQL (MS SQL 2008) ....

Table-1 has a Status, a Value and an ID
Table-2 is linked to Table-1.ID via Table-2.Table1ID (many Table-2 rows to one Table-1 row)
Table-3 is linked to Table-2 .ID via Table-3.Table2ID and has a Value (many Table-3 rows to one Table-2 row)

What I need to do is create a query that can run against Table-1 and check the total of the linked Table-3 values. If the sum of Table-3.Value equals the Table-1.Value, I need to set Table-1.Status to Closed. If not, I need to set Table-1.Status to Open

Hope this makes sense.

Can anyone get me started?



You can run the following query to compare the value in Table1 against the sum of values in table3.

select t1.[Value], t1.[Id], SUM(t3.[Value]) as T3Total from Table1 t1 left join Table2 t2 on t1.Id = t2.Table1ID left join Table3 t3 on t2.Id = t3.Table2Id group by t1.Id, t1.[Value]

If the results look right (do some spot checks) then you can do the update to status column in table1 like this

;with cte as
		SUM(t3.[Value]) as T3Total
		Table1 t1
		left join Table2 t2 on
			t1.Id = t2.Table1ID
		left join Table3 t3 on
			t2.Id = t3.Table2Id
	group by
update t1 set
	[Status] = case when c.T3Total = c.Value then 'Closed' else 'Open' end
	cte c
	inner join Table1 t1 on
		t1.Id = c.Id;
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Thanks James; just what I needed
