SQL Agent Service will not start - timeout error

Hi experts,
I have a 2012 Standard instance where the agent service will not start.
I have confirmed that the AD account/service account and password being used are valid.
Examining the Event logs and SQL logs does not reveal much help.
The error given when I try to start the Agent is:

"Unable to start service SQLSERVERAGENT.
Service request timeout." 120,000 miliseconds

Any ideas on things to try?

When you say "Event Logs" and "SQL Logs" are you just talking about the Windows Event Viewer and SQL Server ERRORLOG files?

There's a separate SQLAgent errorlog as well, if you haven't looked at that yet. I've almost always found the source of the error there. Typically it's some permission problem.

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Thanks @robert_volk . That's right, I'm looking at Event Viewer and SQL Server errorlog files.
When I open Agent logs I see that the agent has not ran since 2015!

Neither have I.

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First things first - can you verify this is actually standard edition and not express edition?
Second - review configuration options and make sure the agent configuration is enabled.

EXECUTE sp_configure @configname = 'show advanced options', @configvalue = 1; RECONFIGURE;
EXECUTE sp_configure @configname = 'Agent XPs';
EXECUTE sp_configure @configname = 'show advanced options', @configvalue = 0; RECONFIGURE;

Based on the log - it looks like someone disabled the Agent XP's - which forced a stop on the agent and now it cannot run until they have been enabled.

Thanks for the questions, @jeffw8713 .
Yes it is the Standard Edition. I can view the jobs even the last date each job ran
The agent is configured to run:

I'm absolutely out of ideas.