Split column in MS SQL an copy to new columns

I have a column with Swedish personal identification numbers, which means it is the date of birth + 4 more digits. 198511028954
The column also includes foreign personal identification numbers without the last 4 digits.
The column is now varchar(12)

I want to split the personal identification number and copied the first 8 digits of the personal identification number to a separate column (date) and the rest to another column.

Any tips on how to do it?

you can use the substring function to get the leading and trailing characters from the string.

Declare @PIN varchar(12)='198511028954'


SELECT SUBSTRING(@PIN ,9,4) as 'ForeignNumber'

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I use this:

UPDATE table
SET born = SUBSTRING(persnr, 1, 8)

But i get this: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

born have dbtype date, and persnr have dbtype varchar(12)

as born is of data type date, you are performing an implicit conversion with

born = SUBSTRING(persnr, 1, 8)

The error message means there are some value in SUBSTRING(persnr, 1, 8) that can't be convert to date

You can use try_convert() that will return NULL if it is unable to perform the convert

born = try_convert(date, SUBSTRING(persnr, 1, 8))

after that check those rows with NULL value and verify the persnr and fix it manually

Thanks, now i found the problem :slight_smile:

Speaking of problems, are there no rules or regulations against storing such information as date of birth and personal identification numbers in plain text in Sweden?

Personal identification numbers and coordination numbers are not considered sensitive personal data according to the Data Protection Regulation, but are considered to be of extra protection value.

You mean in Sweden, correct?