Simple SQL Update Query behaviour changing based on record count

Here is an interesting case for you, please read patiently to understand the simple update with strange behaviour.

I have a two table with very minimal records and i am joining with referential integrity to update the value from 1st table to the second table's column. the update Query behaved differently when records increased over a time. its very simple update Query and the results are very strange. I will brief the scenario step by step as follow.

Table 1: Warehouse

WH_Id Warehouse_Code Depo_Id Default Created_Date
1 WH01 1 1 2023-01-18 14:10:10
2 WH02 1 1 2023-01-10 15:10:10
3 WH03 2 0 2025-01-15 16:10:10

Table 2: Delivery

Del_Id Del_Date Depo_Id WH_Id Product_Id Qty
1 2025-01-01 1 NULL 1 10
2 2025-01-01 1 NULL 2 20
3 2025-01-01 1 NULL 3 30
4 2025-01-01 1 NULL 4 40
5 2025-01-01 1 NULL 5 50

I need to update the WH_Id in Delivery table joining by Warehouse and Depo_Id is a referencial integrity to join both table.


JOIN Warehouse W ON D.Depo_Id=W.Depo_Id and D.Default=1

here is a catch, my update Query fetch 2 record from warehouse table based on additional condition Default=1 for the Depo_id=1 and try to udpate against of 5 records in Delivery table. here is my result of update.

Result 1: Delivery

Del_Id Del_Date Depo_Id WH_Id Product_Id Qty
1 2025-01-01 1 1 1 10
2 2025-01-01 1 1 2 20
3 2025-01-01 1 1 3 30
4 2025-01-01 1 1 4 40
5 2025-01-01 1 1 5 50

Note: I don't mind whether the update query pick the first or the second row from warehouse table to update in delivery.

Just for a information, if you convert the update Query as select you will see the result multiplied as below

select D., W.WH_Id,W.Warehouse_Code FROM Delivery D*

JOIN Warehouse W ON D.Depo_Id=W.Depo_Id and D.Default=1

Del_Id Del_Date Depo_Id WH_Id Product_Id Qty WH_Id Warehouse_Code
1 2025-01-01 1 NULL 1 10 1 WH01
2 2025-01-01 1 NULL 2 20 1 WH01
3 2025-01-01 1 NULL 3 30 1 WH01
4 2025-01-01 1 NULL 4 40 1 WH01
5 2025-01-01 1 NULL 5 50 1 WH01
1 2025-01-01 1 NULL 1 10 2 WH02
2 2025-01-01 1 NULL 2 20 2 WH02
3 2025-01-01 1 NULL 3 30 2 WH02
4 2025-01-01 1 NULL 4 40 2 WH02
5 2025-01-01 1 NULL 5 50 2 WH02

Volume of record in very low in both a table, Warehouse has 100 Records and DeliveryList has just 50 Record maximum at present.

Here is a surprise and strange behaviour of Query, When the Warehouse table has record up to 80 and the update Query picked 1st record from warehouse to update in Delivery. When the record increased above 80 in Warehouse table same update Query updated differenly as below

(No volume increased in Delivery table only 50 records)


JOIN Warehouse W ON D.Depo_Id=W.Depo_Id and D.Default=1

Result 2: Delivery

Del_Id Del_Date Depo_Id WH_Id Product_Id Qty
1 2025-01-01 1 1 1 10
2 2025-01-01 1 2 2 20
3 2025-01-01 1 1 3 30
4 2025-01-01 1 2 4 40

You see here the WH_ID got updated alternate row differently and you can compare the Result 1 and Result 2.

What i am confused here is 50 , 100 records are not volume at all. why Query update differently when volume increased.

To ensure my assumption is right, I have increased and decreased the Volume in warehouse table (<80 and >80) and issue is getting reproduced, i tried multiple time with different record count and its constantly reproducing.

I really wanted to understand why SQL update works differently for different record count.

I'm not sure and this is my best guess as I don't have your environment and data etc. etc.

Welcome to the world of statistics. Based on the statistics, the query engine is selecting a different execution plan, which results in a different outcome. In your case, the value is 80. You can review the execution plan to see the differences between the plans. Next week, it could be 100.

An Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server's Statistics

This is someting I would like to mention:

Note: I don't mind whether the update query pick the first or the second row from warehouse table to update in delivery.

In a real-world scenario, this is a clear indication that you really, really need to revisit your database model, as you clearly don't have all the necessary information.