SImple query : use LIKE

I have a simple query, I use like:

Select * fro t1, t2
Where t1.col1 like '%' + t2.col1 + '%'

The problem is that this query runs on SQL SERVER 2008 R2, but does not work on SQL SERVER 2000 (it does not display any errors but does not terminate)
I waited 30 minutes and then I stopped.

On SL SERVER 2008 R2: this request displays the result in 48 seconds

I tried this:

Select * fro t1, t2
Where t1.col1 like t2.col1 + '%'

It works but does not work until after 2 minutes

I tried this:

Select * fro t1, t2
Where t1.col1 like '%' + t2.col1

The request is blocked

I think my request is blocked, why

Statistics out of date, or indexes missing?

If there are a lot of rows in T1 and T2 it will take a long time.

You are, of course, doing a JOIN with a cartesian product, so the number of rows for SQL to test is huge. It might well be that the optimiser in SQL2008 does a much smarter job of resolving the query.

Get rid of the cross join. Otherwise, not much you can do, as even an index is unlikely to help here.

INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.col1 LIKE '%' + t2.col1 + '%'