Select where is in 2 rows


I want to retrieve all PERNO's from a table in which appears twice in the table:

select perno from table
where section = 'SOP.DEL' and level = 'Y'

but I also want it only if there is also a row like this:

where section = 'SOP.EDIT' and level = 'Y'

Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

select perno 
from dbo.table_name
where section in ('SOP.DEL', 'SOP.EDIT') and level = 'Y'
group by perno
having max(case when section = 'SOP.DEL' then 1 else 0 end) = 1 and
    max(case when section = 'SOP.EDIT' then 1 else 0 end) = 1 
order by perno