I have a query as part of a stored procedure and the results are correct. I do however need to add code to compare the results to the results of the same query when it last ran e.g. 2 days ago. I then need any new records that was not on the results from 2 days ago to appear on top (first) in the results.
Any help will be appreciated how to do this. Thank you
SELECT rt.sPortfolio, CAST(rt.iRuleId AS VARCHAR(15)) AS iRuleId, sDescription, sComment, rt.sPortfolio AS BlankRow
FROM thinktank..ruletests AS rt
INNER JOIN thinktank..rules AS r
ON r.id = rt.iruleid
AND dttest > getdate()-1
AND iresult <> 4
AND ichecktype = 3
AND r.iCategory = 0
AND sRuleSet <> 'NOTIFY'
INNER JOIN thinktank..GroupPortfolios AS gp
ON rt.sPortfolio = gp.sPortfolioId
AND sGroupID = 'EC'
LEFT OUTER JOIN thinktank..RuleUCs AS ruc
ON r.id = ruc.iruleid
AND ruc.icategory = '636'
WHERE ISNULL(ruc.sValue,'N') <> 'Y'
SELECT '', '','','', rt.sPortfolio AS BlankRow
FROM thinktank..ruletests AS rt
INNER JOIN thinktank..rules AS r
ON r.id = rt.iruleid
AND dttest > getdate()-1
AND iresult <> 4
AND ichecktype = 3
AND r.iCategory = 0
AND sRuleSet <> 'NOTIFY'
INNER JOIN thinktank..GroupPortfolios AS gp
ON rt.sPortfolio = gp.sPortfolioId
AND sGroupID = 'EC'
LEFT OUTER JOIN thinktank..RuleUCs AS ruc
ON r.id = ruc.iruleid
AND ruc.icategory = '636'
WHERE ISNULL(ruc.sValue,'N') <> 'Y'
GROUP BY rt.sPortfolio
) AS tbl
ORDER BY BlankRow ASC, sPortfolio DESC, iRuleId ASC